Package cz.cvut.kbss.jsonld.exception
package cz.cvut.kbss.jsonld.exception
ExceptionsClassDescriptionThrown when polymorphic deserialization encounters a JSON-LD object which can be deserialized as multiple target Java classes and we are unable to unambiguously decide which to use.Indicates that a term with the same name is already mapped by a JSON-LD context.Thrown when an error occurs during instance processing.Indicates that enum constant cannot be mapped to/from JSON-LD.Thrown when an error occurs during deserialization of JSON-LD into POJO(s).Generic exception for issues with JB4JSON-LD.Represents an error during POJO serialization to JSON-LD.Indicates that the serializer encountered an instance without an identifier and it was configured to require identifier presence.Indicates that no type info was found when serializing an object.Thrown when an issue occurs when deserializing JSON-LD input into the target Java type.Thrown when no JSON-LD serializable field matching a property IRI is found in a class.Indicates that there still exist unresolved pending references after deserialization finish.Indicates that an unsupported temporal type has been passed to this library.