Interface JsonLdContext

All Known Implementing Classes:
DummyJsonLdContext, MappingJsonLdContext, SerializationContext

public interface JsonLdContext
Represents the @context JSON-LD attribute.
  • Method Details

    • registerTermMapping

      void registerTermMapping(String term, String iri)
      Registers the specified term mapping in this context.

      Typically, the term would be Java attribute (field) name and iri would be the IRI to which this field is mapped.

      term - Mapped term
      iri - IRI to which the term is mapped
    • registerTermMapping

      void registerTermMapping(String term, ObjectNode mappedNode)
      Registers the specified term mapping in this context.

      Compared to registerTermMapping(String, String), this method allows registering more complex mapping like language containers or typed literals.

      term - Mapped term
      mappedNode - Node to which the term is mapped
    • getTermMapping

      Optional<JsonNode> getTermMapping(String term)
      Gets the mapping for the specified term (if it exists).
      term - Term to get mapping for
      Optional mapping node
    • hasTermMapping

      default boolean hasTermMapping(String term)
      Checks whether this JSON-LD context contains mapping for the specified term.
      term - Term to search mapping for
      true if a mapping is already defined for the term, false otherwise
    • getMappedTerm

      Optional<String> getMappedTerm(String iri)
      Gets the term mapped to the specified identifier (if it exists).

      This method checks term mapping in this context and finds a term that is mapped to the specified identifier.

      iri - Identifier the term is mapped to
      Optional mapped term, empty optional if there is no such term mapping
    • isCurrentEmpty

      boolean isCurrentEmpty()
      Checks whether this particular JSON-LD context is empty.

      Term mapping inherited from any parent contexts is not considered.

      true if this context is empty, false otherwise
    • getContextNode

      ObjectNode getContextNode()
      Returns an ObjectNode representing this context.

      The result can thus be added to serialization output.

      JsonNode with registered mappings