



Feature #667


Language switching in the application

Added by Martin Ledvinka about 6 years ago. Updated about 6 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
4.00 h


As a user, I want to be able to switch UI language manually.

Acceptance criteria:
- Language switching icons are present in the main view navigation panel.
- When a language is selected, application UI is re-rendered with the selected language.
- Application remembers the selected language so that when the user opens the application later, it uses the correct language.
- Tested.

Actions #1

Updated by Martin Ledvinka about 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
Actions #2

Updated by Martin Ledvinka about 6 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Actions #3

Updated by Petr Křemen about 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Feedback

All OK, but

%%% Application remembers the selected language so that when the user opens the application later, it uses the correct language.
Test scenario 1 :
1) login screen (cs) -> login
2) dashboard screen (cs) -> change language to 'en'
3) click to 'Vocabularies' in the navigation bar. -> the language is back to 'cs' and the labels are in czech

Test scenario 2:
1) login screen (cs) -> login
2) dashboard screen (cs) -> change language to 'en'
3) logout
4) new incognito tab
5) login screen (cs) [not authenticated, so 'cs' accepted here. We might think to put the language switcher also to the login screen.] -> login
6) the language is (cs) - I would expect 'en' from the acceptance criterion. But I don't mind if this does not work now. Test scenario 1 is a bigger issue.

Actions #4

Updated by Martin Ledvinka about 6 years ago

  • Target version changed from 0.1.0 to 0.2.0
Actions #5

Updated by Martin Ledvinka about 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
Actions #6

Updated by Petr Křemen about 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

Tested all bullets - all OK.


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