


Task #695

Updated by Miroslav Blaško almost 6 years ago

Part of the application URL scheme points to asset details, e.g. Vocabulary detail, Term detail - implement each of the .  

 Acceptance criteria: 
 - each asset detail should be referenced by a URL of two forms: 
     a) 'http://<URL>/<asset-type>/<asset-local-id>', http://<URL>/<asset-type>/<asset-local-id>, in which case it shows a detail of the asset with IRI 'http://<DEFAULT-NAMESPACE>/<asset-local-id>', http://<DEFAULT-NAMESPACE>/<asset-local-id>, where <DEFAULT-NAMESPACE> is a default namespace setup in server configuration. 
     a) 'http://<URL>/<asset-type>/<asset-local-id>?namespace=<NAMESPACE>', http://<URL>/<asset-type>/<asset-local-id>?namespace=<NAMESPACE>, in which case it shows a detail of the asset with IRI 'http://<NAMESPACE>/<asset-local-id>'. http://<NAMESPACE>/<asset-local-id>. 
 - Test.
