


Feature #680

Updated by Miroslav Blaško almost 6 years ago

As a user, I want to be able to created new annotations in a document. The functionality should be something like: I select a piece of text in the rendered document, for this text, I am able to select a vocabulary term offered by the application, add a short text description, and then submit the annotation. Editing existing annotations is not a part of this task! 

 Acceptance criteria: 
 - The document rendering component allows to select portions of text. 
 - When a part of text selected, a component (probably a popup) is displayed, containing selector of terms and a description input field (a textarea). 
 - The term selector offers terms contained in the vocabulary related to the rendered document. 
 - Selecting a term is required for submitting the annotation, description is optional. 
 - Once the data are filled in, the annotation can be submitted. 
 - At least two selectors are generated for the annotation. (The generation will probably occur on the client side) 
 - Backend contains API for storing these new annotations. 
 - Annotations are assigned provenance info about their author and creation date. 
 - Newly added annotations are visualizes accordingly. 
 - Tested.
