


Task #1036

Updated by Martin Ledvinka almost 5 years ago

Occurrences of Terms discovered in the definition of another Term by the text analysis need to be stored and displayed in the UI. The text analysis result itself may not be stored, as only the term occurrences are of interest at the moment. 

 This will most likely require adding a new type of term occurrence - definitional term occurrence. Also, a new type of target will probably need to be added - it will point to another term's definition. 

 Note that definitional occurrences should probably work as a set - each Term should occur in another's definition at most once. When there are multiple occurrences of the same Term, the one with the highest score should be counted. 

 Acceptance criteria: 
 * Results of text analysis of a Term's definition are processed, Occurrences of Terms discovered in it are stored as definitional term occurrences. (Note: Maybe, only occurrences with a certain minimum score should be stored). 
 * These occurrences are stored as suggested, their approval or rejection is covered by a different task. 
 * Definitional occurrences are displayed in TermIt UI (covered by Task #955). 
 * Tested.
