



From 28.10.2018 to 26.11.2018


13:25 Feature #698 (In Progress): Display a list of term assignments on the term detail screen.
Martin Ledvinka
13:24 Feature #739 (Resolved): Allow attaching arbitrary properties and values to vocabularies and terms
Martin Ledvinka
13:24 Task #768 (Resolved): Attaching arbitrary property values to vocabularies
Martin Ledvinka


23:51 Bug #772 (Resolved): Text analysis service - Annotations are split by stopwords
Resolved by not excluding stop words from the annotation process, unlike the previous implementation.
Stopwords wi...
Lama Saeeda
19:00 Task #768 (In Progress): Attaching arbitrary property values to vocabularies
Martin Ledvinka
16:37 Feature #709 (Closed): Create a button to run the text analysis service
Martin Ledvinka
16:37 Feature #694 (Closed): Support for unified asset visualization in UI
Martin Ledvinka
11:30 Feature #739 (In Progress): Allow attaching arbitrary properties and values to vocabularies and terms
Martin Ledvinka
11:30 Task #767 (Resolved): Attaching arbitrary property values to terms
Martin Ledvinka


16:01 Task #780 (Closed): Redesign full text search results UI
As a user, I want full text search results to contain the label of the matching asset, its type, visualization of the... Martin Ledvinka


16:43 Feature #779 (Closed): Support export into CSV/Excel
As a user, I want to be able to export vocabularies into an Excel-compatible file.
The relevant columns should be:...
Martin Ledvinka
12:54 Task #777 (In Progress): Resource Detail Screen
Lama Saeeda


15:23 Feature #649 (In Progress): Full text search
Lama Saeeda
14:54 Feature #671 (Resolved): Full-text search field
Martin Ledvinka
14:12 Bug #770 (Feedback): Tree of sublasses contains some values twice and some are not present at all
Fixed several issues in the tree-view component (mostly related to the fact that terms may have multiple parents). Pl... Martin Ledvinka
14:11 Bug #771 (Resolved): Subterms not clickable
Fixed. Martin Ledvinka
14:11 Task #726 (Resolved): Synchronize term detail view with routing
Replaced the tabbed term detail view with a dedicated term component, which allows a more straightforward integration... Martin Ledvinka


23:21 Task #736 (Closed): Visualization of types statistics
Petr Křemen
23:21 Feature #705 (Closed): Support for a simple UFO-based Language
Petr Křemen
23:20 Task #731 (Closed): Dev deployment
Petr Křemen
18:34 Bug #732 (Resolved): Terms with Czech accents do not resolve properly
Petr Křemen
18:32 Bug #732 (In Progress): Terms with Czech accents do not resolve properly
Petr Křemen
18:29 Task #726 (In Progress): Synchronize term detail view with routing
Martin Ledvinka


17:33 Task #778 (Closed): Backend for a resource CRUD
CRUD for each resource (IRI,label,description) should be doable by a web service.
Acceptance criteria:
- the web ...
Petr Křemen
17:29 Task #777 (Closed): Resource Detail Screen
Each resource is:
- label
- description
- set of terms assigned to it (its semantic tags)
This task is t...
Petr Křemen


18:10 Feature #776 (Rejected): Support multiple terms open in the tabbed vocabulary detail view
As a user, I want to be able to have multiple tabs with term details open.
Acceptance criteria:
* Selecting a ter...
Martin Ledvinka
17:34 Task #729 (Resolved): Do not generate new terms for keywords
Martin Ledvinka
17:09 Bug #774 (Resolved): Creation of new term fails if type is not selected
Martin Ledvinka
15:15 Task #773 (Resolved): Fake API for NKOD integration
Martin Ledvinka


14:03 Bug #774 (Closed): Creation of new term fails if type is not selected
When I try to create a new term and do not select a type, creation fails with an exception:... Martin Ledvinka
13:40 Task #773 (In Progress): Fake API for NKOD integration
Martin Ledvinka
08:38 Feature #671 (In Progress): Full-text search field
Martin Ledvinka


14:52 Task #767 (In Progress): Attaching arbitrary property values to terms
Martin Ledvinka
09:52 Task #773 (Closed): Fake API for NKOD integration
Publicly available REST methods:
- getResourceTerms
input: resource IRI
output: list of terms (IRIs, labels, de...
Petr Křemen


19:12 Task #766 (Resolved): Model update
Martin Ledvinka
12:52 Bug #772 (Closed): Text analysis service - Annotations are split by stopwords
For example, for term occurrence: "plocha rozdílného využití pro stanovení výškové regulace" in the document, text an... Lama Saeeda
09:16 Bug #771 (Closed): Subterms not clickable
In the detail o fa term, subterms are listed in the right side of a window. It looks like clickable, but once they're... Michal Med
09:14 Bug #770 (Closed): Tree of sublasses contains some values twice and some are not present at all
In the tree of subclasses in the left side of the vocabulary window renders some terms twice (charakter-uzemi as seen... Michal Med


18:29 Feature #643 (Resolved): Vocabulary editing
Martin Ledvinka


15:17 Feature #769 (New): Visualize property hierarchy using a tree view in the property selector UI
As a user, I want to see a tree-like visualization of the property hierarchy when selecting properties I want to add ... Martin Ledvinka
15:13 Task #768 (Closed): Attaching arbitrary property values to vocabularies
See #767. This version is for vocabularies. Martin Ledvinka
15:11 Task #767 (Closed): Attaching arbitrary property values to terms
As a user, I want to be able to attach arbitrary properties with values to terms, so that I am not limited by the sta... Martin Ledvinka


15:25 Task #763: Create a language for IPR
Create a language for creating IPR datasets. The language should be derived from the legal vocabularies (stavebni zak... Petr Křemen
13:48 Task #763 (Closed): Create a language for IPR
Petr Křemen
14:38 Task #766 (Closed): Model update
Update model according to the attached picture Petr Křemen
14:36 Task #765 (Closed): Prepare use-case for MVCR presentation
- transform vocabularies (either IPR or MVCR) into TermIt
- annotate terms in these vocabularies according to the la...
Petr Křemen
14:30 Task #723 (Rejected): Unify UI of create term with term edit and vocabulary creation UI
Superseded by #764 Petr Křemen
14:30 Task #764 (Closed): Unify Termit UI style
TermIt is designed in Bootstrap and contains different pages often looking differently.
Unify inconsistently rende...
Petr Křemen
13:55 Task #729 (New): Do not generate new terms for keywords
Petr Křemen
13:51 Feature #704 (Rejected): List of occurrences for term
Duplicate of #698 Petr Křemen
13:47 Task #762 (Closed): Create a language for the eGovernment vocabulary at the Ministry of Interior
Petr Křemen
13:44 Task #761 (Closed): Visualize file metadata
Related to #733 but for files. Petr Křemen
13:23 Feature #760 (Rejected): Run faceted search as a service (e.g. in NodeJS)
Petr Křemen
13:16 Feature #759 (Closed): Resource management
Resources are artifacts that we want to search for, e.g. datasets, documents, files, etc.
TBD - detailed tasks - CRUD
Petr Křemen

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