



From 11.11.2018 to 10.12.2018


00:19 Bug #787 (Closed): Full text search does not work
Two problems:
1) When I start writing 'kandi' I do not get anything ("Nenalezeny zadne vysledky"), although the vo...
Petr Křemen


10:25 Bug #785 (Resolved): text analysis assigns strange entities to term occurrences
Petr Křemen


15:27 Bug #786 (Resolved): text analysis service cannot be used if redirected
Martin Ledvinka
01:44 Bug #783 (Resolved): text analysis service generates same about for different spans
Petr Křemen


19:44 Bug #786 (Closed): text analysis service cannot be used if redirected

In such case invalid document is created (I believe without any warning).
Content of such document if used for...
Miroslav Blaško
19:39 Bug #785 (Closed): text analysis assigns strange entities to term occurrences
Term occurrences should be assigned only to terms. However, based on TermIt backend server logs it seems that occurre... Miroslav Blaško
16:59 Task #784 (New): Reorganize Term metadata
As a vocabulary editor,
I want to simplify deciding on parent terms and types
In order to create a vocabulary easi...
Petr Křemen
16:53 Task #765 (In Progress): Prepare use-case for MVCR presentation
Petr Křemen
15:40 Task #737 (Resolved): Resource Tagging
Tags have the form of vocabulary terms here.
- resource list
- resource term editing
- integrated...
Petr Křemen
15:38 Bug #732 (Resolved): Terms with Czech accents do not resolve properly
Only quick-fixed, the problem seems to be somewhere on parameter passing through react routing (probably in thunk) Petr Křemen
13:04 Feature #779 (Resolved): Support export into CSV/Excel
Martin Ledvinka
12:39 Bug #783 (Closed): text analysis service generates same about for different spans
Based on discussion with Lama, it seems that it is caused by line of code:... Miroslav Blaško
09:59 Feature #680: Create new annotations in document
I suggest to split it into:
As a user, I want to be able to created new annotations in a document. The functionali...
Miroslav Blaško
09:45 Feature #681: Edit annotations in document
I suggest to split task to:
[1] Feature: Edit RDFa properties of annotations in document
As a user, I want to b...
Miroslav Blaško


11:36 Task #737 (In Progress): Resource Tagging
Petr Křemen
11:29 Task #762 (Resolved): Create a language for the eGovernment vocabulary at the Ministry of Interior
Petr Křemen
11:19 Task #764 (In Progress): Unify Termit UI style
Petr Křemen
11:13 Bug #770 (Resolved): Tree of sublasses contains some values twice and some are not present at all
Petr Křemen
11:10 Task #777 (Resolved): Resource Detail Screen
Petr Křemen
11:09 Task #778 (Resolved): Backend for a resource CRUD
Petr Křemen
11:08 Task #778: Backend for a resource CRUD
The retrieval API is done.
The CUD to be moved to another ticket.
Petr Křemen
11:09 Task #782 (Closed): CUD for resources
CUD for each resource (IRI,label,description) should be doable by a web service.
Acceptance criteria:
- the web s...
Petr Křemen


20:52 Feature #649 (Resolved): Full text search
Lama Saeeda
20:51 Bug #745 (Resolved): text analysis service annotates same term multiple times
Lama Saeeda
15:13 Feature #779 (In Progress): Support export into CSV/Excel
Martin Ledvinka


14:34 Bug #732 (Feedback): Terms with Czech accents do not resolve properly
I am reopening the issue, because I encountered another problem. When the namespace query parameter contains encoded ... Martin Ledvinka


18:38 Feature #649: Full text search
Attached, you can find,
- The configuration file to setup Lucene-index for RDF4J. (no property found to set the Luce...
Lama Saeeda


18:41 Feature #649: Full text search
- A Lucene connector (index) is implemented in GraphDB under the name (czech_index). see [1].
- In the attachemen...
Lama Saeeda


10:59 Feature #698 (Resolved): Display a list of term assignments on the term detail screen.
Martin Ledvinka
10:55 Task #781 (Closed): Fix the semantics of controller-service contract
Each controller should :
1) have a single main service to which it passes its calls
2) the only data transformation...
Petr Křemen


13:25 Feature #698 (In Progress): Display a list of term assignments on the term detail screen.
Martin Ledvinka
13:24 Feature #739 (Resolved): Allow attaching arbitrary properties and values to vocabularies and terms
Martin Ledvinka
13:24 Task #768 (Resolved): Attaching arbitrary property values to vocabularies
Martin Ledvinka


23:51 Bug #772 (Resolved): Text analysis service - Annotations are split by stopwords
Resolved by not excluding stop words from the annotation process, unlike the previous implementation.
Stopwords wi...
Lama Saeeda
19:00 Task #768 (In Progress): Attaching arbitrary property values to vocabularies
Martin Ledvinka
16:37 Feature #709 (Closed): Create a button to run the text analysis service
Martin Ledvinka
16:37 Feature #694 (Closed): Support for unified asset visualization in UI
Martin Ledvinka
11:30 Feature #739 (In Progress): Allow attaching arbitrary properties and values to vocabularies and terms
Martin Ledvinka
11:30 Task #767 (Resolved): Attaching arbitrary property values to terms
Martin Ledvinka


16:01 Task #780 (Closed): Redesign full text search results UI
As a user, I want full text search results to contain the label of the matching asset, its type, visualization of the... Martin Ledvinka


16:43 Feature #779 (Closed): Support export into CSV/Excel
As a user, I want to be able to export vocabularies into an Excel-compatible file.
The relevant columns should be:...
Martin Ledvinka
12:54 Task #777 (In Progress): Resource Detail Screen
Lama Saeeda


15:23 Feature #649 (In Progress): Full text search
Lama Saeeda
14:54 Feature #671 (Resolved): Full-text search field
Martin Ledvinka
14:12 Bug #770 (Feedback): Tree of sublasses contains some values twice and some are not present at all
Fixed several issues in the tree-view component (mostly related to the fact that terms may have multiple parents). Pl... Martin Ledvinka
14:11 Bug #771 (Resolved): Subterms not clickable
Fixed. Martin Ledvinka
14:11 Task #726 (Resolved): Synchronize term detail view with routing
Replaced the tabbed term detail view with a dedicated term component, which allows a more straightforward integration... Martin Ledvinka


23:21 Task #736 (Closed): Visualization of types statistics
Petr Křemen
23:21 Feature #705 (Closed): Support for a simple UFO-based Language
Petr Křemen
23:20 Task #731 (Closed): Dev deployment
Petr Křemen
18:34 Bug #732 (Resolved): Terms with Czech accents do not resolve properly
Petr Křemen
18:32 Bug #732 (In Progress): Terms with Czech accents do not resolve properly
Petr Křemen
18:29 Task #726 (In Progress): Synchronize term detail view with routing
Martin Ledvinka


17:33 Task #778 (Closed): Backend for a resource CRUD
CRUD for each resource (IRI,label,description) should be doable by a web service.
Acceptance criteria:
- the web ...
Petr Křemen
17:29 Task #777 (Closed): Resource Detail Screen
Each resource is:
- label
- description
- set of terms assigned to it (its semantic tags)
This task is t...
Petr Křemen

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