



From 20.02.2020 to 20.03.2020


19:46 Task #1038 (Resolved): Text analysis of definitions of all terms
I implemented a button to manually run (async) text analysis on definitions of terms in all vocabularies in a backgro... Lama Saeeda


09:19 Task #1143 (Rejected): Implement scheduled service to run text analysis on definition of all terms
As a follow-up to Task #1038, the scheduled service should be implemented. This service would run in regular interval... Martin Ledvinka


16:49 Task #1032 (Resolved): Allow marking portion of text as definition source in annotator
Martin Ledvinka
12:54 Feature #877 (Feedback): Visualization of terms that are not used in resources
I propose changing the backend URL for getting unused terms to either:
* @/vocabularies/{vocabularyIdFragment}/ter...
Martin Ledvinka


07:05 Feature #877 (Resolved): Visualization of terms that are not used in resources
Reproduced and fixed. Petr Křemen


17:36 Feature #1141 (Rejected): Select vocabularies from which assign terms to resources
In #834 was enabled assignment of term from multiple vocabularies to resources. But terms must be made easy to find i... Michal Med
17:16 Feature #834 (Closed): Support annotating resources by terms from multiple vocabularies
Initial task to assign terms from multiple vocabularies is essentially done. BUT there appeared a need to create a ne... Michal Med
14:01 Feature #834 (Feedback): Support annotating resources by terms from multiple vocabularies
I do not like this solution. Is this really what was wanted? Try add lokalita. Suddenly three of them appears withouu... Michal Med
11:35 Feature #834 (Resolved): Support annotating resources by terms from multiple vocabularies
Petr Křemen
10:19 Feature #834 (In Progress): Support annotating resources by terms from multiple vocabularies
Petr Křemen
13:57 Bug #1131 (Closed): Switching vocabulary type in create vocabulary form deletes content
Nice, works. I suggest to add comment to the add document field to clarify what does it mean (as a part of other issu... Michal Med
12:03 Feature #877 (Feedback): Visualization of terms that are not used in resources
It seems like it does not work if "Import included" flag is enabled.
Miroslav Blaško
11:02 Task #1139 (Rejected): Contact IPR regarding the scenario to enhance their online maps
IPR proposed simple scenario how to use TermIt in their online maps, where online maps would access TermIt services/s... Miroslav Blaško
10:49 Task #1138 (Closed): Send TermIT UI design link to IPR when it is finalized
Send TermIT UI design after it is finalized so IPR can comment on it.
Remind them that there is a way how to point t...
Miroslav Blaško
10:17 Task #1137: Propose visualization of related terms into categories
Idea: How about *replacing list of terms with autocomplete tree component* enhanced with different options to filter ... Miroslav Blaško
10:17 Task #1137 (New): Propose visualization of related terms into categories
Based on feedback from IPR: List of terms within the tab "related terms" is often huge and it is hard to go over it. ... Miroslav Blaško


21:46 Bug #1131 (Resolved): Switching vocabulary type in create vocabulary form deletes content
Updated the CreateVocabulary view - removed the switch from Vocabulary to DocumentVocabulary. Petr Křemen
12:18 Bug #1131 (In Progress): Switching vocabulary type in create vocabulary form deletes content
Petr Křemen
14:50 Task #1038: Text analysis of definitions of all terms
I implemented a button in the vocabulary detail screen where the text analysis can be invoked to analyze all definiti... Lama Saeeda


11:59 Task #721 (Closed): Align the vocabularies in Java model
option 2
Petr Křemen


22:27 Task #693 (Rejected): Create a popis-dat publication pipeline
Obsolete, rejected. A followup ticket will be created. Petr Křemen
19:49 Feature #1024 (Resolved): Support multiple parents within inteligent tree component
See 1024-tree-component-dag branch.
TermTreeSelectHelper adds treePath to support a generic DAG in addition to a t...
Josef Kufner
18:57 Feature #1133 (New): Add textual description of fields to forms
TermIt contains a lot of forms for creating term/vocabulary/document/file. Those terms shall contain a short descript... Michal Med
18:48 Bug #1131 (Closed): Switching vocabulary type in create vocabulary form deletes content
Filled fields in Create Vocabulary form are cleared while Type is changed.
Acceptance criteria:
* keep content of ...
Michal Med
17:53 Feature #663 (Rejected): Different language support for glossary term annotations
Petr Křemen
17:52 Feature #663: Different language support for glossary term annotations
To support creating multi-lingual terminologies, users need to be able to provide translations of textual fields:
- ...
Petr Křemen
11:07 Task #1035 (Resolved): Allow executing text analysis on Term definition
Lama Saeeda
11:07 Task #1130 (Closed): Visualize all of definitionally-related terms
Visualize all terms in def-related of a term, where this term appeared in their definitions. Lama Saeeda
10:46 Task #1038 (In Progress): Text analysis of definitions of all terms
Lama Saeeda
09:46 Feature #877 (Resolved): Visualization of terms that are not used in resources
Petr Křemen
00:20 Feature #877 (In Progress): Visualization of terms that are not used in resources
Petr Křemen


16:47 Bug #1125 (Closed): It is not possible to set the parent term directly when creating a new term
It works fine when editing the term. Lama Saeeda
10:42 Feature #1074 (Closed): Show vocabulary for term in search results
Verified. Martin Ledvinka
10:08 Feature #1074 (Resolved): Show vocabulary for term in search results!termit-ui.git/9a1e5506113f921755e84cf111a42e815b17f1f3 Petr Křemen
09:05 Feature #1074 (In Progress): Show vocabulary for term in search results
Petr Křemen


14:05 Bug #1075 (Resolved): Annotation terms is unable to resolve vocabulary unless it is already in store
Martin Ledvinka


20:54 Task #1037 (Resolved): Approve or reject suggested definitional Term occurrences
Lama Saeeda


12:40 Task #1097 (Closed): Show term definition instead of comment in annotator
As a user, I would find it more helpful to see term definition instead of comment in the little popup which shows on ... Martin Ledvinka
12:38 Task #1096 (Rejected): Show term occurrence score as percentage
As a user, I would like to see the term occurrence score in annotator as percentage instead of the decimal value. It ... Martin Ledvinka

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