



From 21.09.2021 to 20.10.2021


13:12 Feature #1631: Support for image attachments to terms
- IPR: proc ne treba PDF?
- varianty:
# naimplementovat do TermIt (lze dle ML přepoužít funkcionalitu kolem souborů...
Petr Křemen
12:24 Feature #1631 (New): Support for image attachments to terms
The requirement by IPR is:
Obrázky na detailu pojmu
- pro UI Termitu volit jednoduché zobrazení, které t...
Petr Křemen


17:35 Bug #1622 (Closed): Related terms in Excel/CSV export contain also relatedMatch values
Petr Křemen
17:34 Bug #1620 (Closed): Exceeding maximum file upload size does not indicate any error
Petr Křemen


14:50 Task #1143 (Rejected): Implement scheduled service to run text analysis on definition of all terms
No longer relevant. Analysis is run automatically when a term is added or its label/definition changes. Martin Ledvinka
14:45 Feature #1354: Hidden label of a term should be prefilled based annotation occurrence
If I understand it correctly, I don't think this is a good idea. New term label is based on selected text. But using ... Martin Ledvinka
14:29 Task #1096 (Rejected): Show term occurrence score as percentage
Obsolete, term score is no longer shown at all. Martin Ledvinka


09:02 Bug #1620 (Resolved): Exceeding maximum file upload size does not indicate any error
Martin Ledvinka

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