Interface ConverterWrapper<X,Y>

Type Parameters:
X - the type of the entity attribute
Y - the type of the axiom/triple value
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
CustomConverterWrapper, DateConverter, DefaultConverterWrapper, InstantConverter, LocalDateTimeConverter, LocalTimeConverter, ObjectConverter, ObjectOneOfEnumConverter, OrdinalEnumConverter, StringEnumConverter, ToDoubleConverter, ToFloatConverter, ToIntegerConverter, ToLangStringConverter, ToLexicalFormConverter, ToLongConverter, ToMultilingualStringConverter, ToRdfLiteralConverter, ToShortConverter, ToStringConverter, ToURIConverter, ToURLConverter, ZonedDateTimeConverter

public interface ConverterWrapper<X,Y> extends AttributeConverter<X,Y>
Internal wrapper of a AttributeConverter providing addition methods.
  • Method Details

    • supportsAxiomValueType

      boolean supportsAxiomValueType(Class<?> type)
      Checks whether the wrapped converter supports converting the specified axiom value type.
      type - Axiom value type
      Whether the type is supported by this wrapper