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  1. [New #70] Added feature to drag comment dialogs (commit: 01f2c34) (details)
  2. [Fix #70] Changed position of comment overlay to avoid overlapping with other elements (commit: 38537c5) (details)
  3. [Upd] Overlay placement is calculated only when the component is mounted or updated for performance matters (commit: dc0f316) (details)
  4. [Upd #70] Changed layout of comment dialogs and close button added (commit: 6042863) (details)
  5. [New #70] Added delete comment feature (commit: fb3f8d2) (details)
  6. [Upd #70] Recycle Bin is shown only when comment is hovered (commit: 40e0460) (details)
  7. [Upd #70] Added visual indication when comment is being deleted (commit: 73b4299) (details)
  8. [Upd #70] Refactor for readability (commit: 26f5545) (details)
  9. [Upd #70] Props not needed (commit: b12d05e) (details)
  10. [Upd #70] Refactor for readability (commit: f4be32d) (details)
  11. [Upd #70] Refactor for readability (commit: af9d67f) (details)
  12. [Upd #87] Increase field size of form textarea alongside input size (commit: 74e6508) (details)
  13. [Upd #87] Autoscroll to last comment in comment dialog (commit: 7965018) (details)
Commit 01f2c34a139400df6bc278f5d30516dc55352719 by max.chopart
[New #70] Added feature to drag comment dialogs
(commit: 01f2c34)
The file was modifiedsrc/components/comment/QuestionCommentIcon.jsx (diff)
The file was modifiedpackage.json (diff)
Commit 38537c5d0aec75001bcf72dadb7ff7f395c5a92f by max.chopart
[Fix #70] Changed position of comment overlay to avoid overlapping with other elements
(commit: 38537c5)
The file was modifiedpackage-lock.json (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/components/comment/QuestionCommentIcon.jsx (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/styles/s-forms.css (diff)
Commit dc0f316afe2d4f8ec818184a7476df317d420995 by max.chopart
[Upd] Overlay placement is calculated only when the component is mounted or updated for performance matters
(commit: dc0f316)
The file was modifiedsrc/components/comment/QuestionCommentIcon.jsx (diff)
Commit 6042863dac1e0d89513725a98824e67fc5770052 by max.chopart
[Upd #70] Changed layout of comment dialogs and close button added
(commit: 6042863)
The file was modifiedpackage-lock.json (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/styles/icons/ArrowRight.jsx (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/components/comment/CommentForm.jsx (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/components/comment/QuestionCommentIcon.jsx (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/styles/s-forms.css (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/components/comment/CommentList.jsx (diff)
The file was addedsrc/styles/icons/Close.jsx
Commit fb3f8d22cc0e6cecbc2eda6fea11e084cb38efa9 by max.chopart
[New #70] Added delete comment feature
(commit: fb3f8d2)
The file was modifiedsrc/components/comment/CommentView.jsx (diff)
The file was addedsrc/styles/icons/RecycleBin.jsx
The file was modifiedsrc/components/comment/QuestionCommentIcon.jsx (diff)
The file was modifiedpackage-lock.json (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/components/comment/CommentForm.jsx (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/styles/s-forms.css (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/components/comment/CommentList.jsx (diff)
Commit 40e0460c03456d2586518901b4f7606a861cc3a9 by max.chopart
[Upd #70] Recycle Bin is shown only when comment is hovered
(commit: 40e0460)
The file was modifiedsrc/components/comment/CommentView.jsx (diff)
Commit 73b429997ab00f7ed9c7c84d5e80181c30fd6f09 by max.chopart
[Upd #70] Added visual indication when comment is being deleted
(commit: 73b4299)
The file was modifiedsrc/components/comment/CommentView.jsx (diff)
The file was modifiedpackage-lock.json (diff)
The file was modifiedpackage.json (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/components/comment/CommentList.jsx (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/styles/s-forms.css (diff)
Commit 26f554518cb68cef1247b21b871db745975c1216 by max.chopart
[Upd #70] Refactor for readability
(commit: 26f5545)
The file was modifiedsrc/components/comment/CommentView.jsx (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/components/comment/QuestionCommentIcon.jsx (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/components/comment/CommentList.jsx (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/components/comment/CommentList.jsx (diff)
Commit f4be32df205155c5568842589f5bb9d440920fa7 by max.chopart
[Upd #70] Refactor for readability
(commit: f4be32d)
The file was modifiedsrc/components/comment/CommentView.jsx (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/components/comment/QuestionCommentIcon.jsx (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/components/comment/CommentList.jsx (diff)
Commit af9d67f24487f034aafc834e59e3ef087044cee0 by max.chopart
[Upd #70] Refactor for readability
(commit: af9d67f)
The file was modifiedsrc/components/comment/CommentList.jsx (diff)
Commit 74e65084f980a7c3524ba5acac0ff3223421a2b2 by max.chopart
[Upd #87] Increase field size of form textarea alongside input size
(commit: 74e6508)
The file was modifiedsrc/styles/s-forms.css (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/components/comment/CommentForm.jsx (diff)
Commit 7965018313b8d3d75b78f8f0d7e7247a50692ce1 by max.chopart
[Upd #87] Autoscroll to last comment in comment dialog
(commit: 7965018)
The file was modifiedsrc/components/comment/CommentForm.jsx (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/components/comment/QuestionCommentIcon.jsx (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/components/comment/CommentList.jsx (diff)