- [New #91] Implemented internationalization of text messages (commit: 4234aa1) (details)
- [Fix] Text area for comment form has now a max height (commit: 2f2d21f) (details)
- [Upd #91] Add react-intl library (commit: ffb9cac) (details)
- [Upd #91] Add user's browser language as locale default (commit: b726e22) (details)
- [Upd #91] Remove unnecessary default message for comment form (commit: 86fb3b3) (details)
- [Upd #91] Make Internationalization compatible with Storybook (commit: 0def153) (details)
The file was modified | src/components/comment/CommentForm.jsx (diff) |
The file was modified | src/components/comment/CommentView.jsx (diff) |
The file was modified | src/components/comment/CommentForm.jsx (diff) |
The file was modified | src/components/comment/CommentList.tsx (diff) |
The file was modified | package.json (diff) |
The file was modified | src/components/comment/CommentView.jsx (diff) |
The file was modified | src/constants/Constants.js (diff) |
The file was modified | test/rendering/TestApp.jsx (diff) |
The file was added | src/contexts/IntlContextProvider.tsx |
The file was modified | src/components/comment/CommentForm.jsx (diff) |
The file was added | src/i18n/cs.json |
The file was added | src/i18n/en.json |
The file was modified | src/contexts/IntlContextProvider.tsx (diff) |
The file was modified | src/components/comment/CommentForm.jsx (diff) |
The file was modified | src/stories/SForms/SForms.stories.tsx (diff) |