- [Feature #15] Duplicate column handling and schema about url is used for resource creation (commit: 4b9e1f3) (details)
- [Fix] Fixed usage of uriTemplate and column urls (commit: 0a896d6) (details)
- [Fix] default aboutUrl is on tableSchema (commit: 8ec9b78) (details)
- [Fix] isDuplicate should work with columnName not columnTitle (commit: f494730) (details)
- [Doc] improved documentation (commit: 62efc1c) (details)
- [New] added test model output (commit: f3cf378) (details)
- [New] added test to check isomorphism of actual vs expected output model (commit: 122878c) (details)
- [Feature #15] Updated module doc (commit: 7fbb311) (details)
- [Feature #15] Updated module doc (commit: 5d80879) (details)
- [Upd] Reformat - reordering module names (commit: a5b74bc) (details)