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  1. Do not generate error message when target directory structure already (commit: 683d501) (details)
  2. [Upd] Updated the maven-javadoc-plugin. (commit: 3cb3eb6) (details)
Commit 683d5016000115458c993ef2111831b9864829e8 by Martin Ledvinka
Do not generate error message when target directory structure already
exists in OWL2Java transformation.
(commit: 683d501)
The file was modifiedjopa-owl2java/src/main/java/cz/cvut/kbss/jopa/owl2java/ (diff)
Commit 3cb3eb633d7e461dc5190ef50a53fd45d345d383 by Martin Ledvinka
[Upd] Updated the maven-javadoc-plugin.
(commit: 3cb3eb6)
The file was modifiedpom.xml (diff)