- [Enhancement #96] Extend attribute mapping API with explicit datatype specification support. (commit: 4cb6781) (details)
- [Enhancement #96] Provide default value (empty string) for the datatype so that it is not required. (commit: ca5d9f7) (details)
- [Enhancement #96] Init attribute metamodel with explicit datatype. (commit: fa7d3b8) (details)
- Resolve most of the generics-related warnings in MetamodelMocks. (commit: eb614b9) (details)
- [Enhancement #96] Support namespace resolution for explicit datatype IRI specification. (commit: 00465e0) (details)
- [Enhancement #96] Add a representation of a literal with a lexical form and a datatype to the OntoDriver API. (commit: f40ec07) (details)
- [Enhancement #96] Implement mapping of OntoDriver Literal to the underlying storage literal representation. (commit: 0124860) (details)
- [Enhancement #96] Implement loading of unknown datatype literals to OntoDriver literal values. (commit: e742593) (details)
- Exclude log4j-slf4j-impl from Jena to have only the SLF4J for logging and let user choose which implementation to use. (commit: 8cd3f8a) (details)
- [Enhancement #96] Implement a converter for working with literals with explicit datatype. (commit: f4882d6) (details)
- [Enhancement #96] Integration testing support for plural attributes with explicit datatype. (commit: 9e1356a) (details)
- [Enhancement #96] Provide additional explanation of the behavior of the ToRdfLiteralConverter. (commit: 18573cc) (details)