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  1. [Doc] Fix documentation of EntityManager.getReference (commit: 0d99102) (details)
  2. [Ref] Replace remaining references to 'primaryKey' with 'identifier'. (commit: 3d9cae1) (details)
  3. [Bug #257] Add test reproducing the issue. (commit: d174f73) (details)
  4. [Bug #257] Refactor element processing in modelgen to handle annotations in element type declaration. (commit: 91c5414) (details)
  5. [Bug #257] Minor code cleanup in modelgen. (commit: 799b255) (details)
  6. [Enhancement #256] Add integration tests for the feature. (commit: 7d844e6) (details)
  7. [Enhancement #256] Add support for using URI/URL as data property values when mapped to simple literal. (commit: da4b4b1) (details)
  8. [Enhancement #245] Enable integration test testing the feature. (commit: bb84e2c) (details)
  9. [Enhancement #245] Flush reasoner before executing query to purge possibly stale reasoner cache. (commit: e6ceb1e) (details)
  10. [Update] Update to RDF4J 5.0.1. (commit: 72a6675) (details)
  11. [Update] Update to Jena 5.1.0. (commit: 493cbc2) (details)
  12. [2.0.3] Bump version, update changelog. (commit: 5170f45) (details)
Commit 0d991029ee5ccb3eb5f565699ad506da3ec73c02 by Martin Ledvinka
[Doc] Fix documentation of EntityManager.getReference

Add info on when EntityNotFoundException is thrown.
(commit: 0d99102)
The file was modifiedjopa-api/src/main/java/cz/cvut/kbss/jopa/model/ (diff)
Commit 3d9cae18bab810adb00cbd7a00081a2855e496d3 by Martin Ledvinka
[Ref] Replace remaining references to 'primaryKey' with 'identifier'.

Primary key is used in relational databases, JOPA does not work with them.
(commit: 3d9cae1)
The file was modifiedjopa-impl/src/main/java/cz/cvut/kbss/jopa/oom/ (diff)
The file was modifiedjopa-impl/src/test/java/cz/cvut/kbss/jopa/sessions/cache/ (diff)
The file was modifiedjopa-impl/src/main/java/cz/cvut/kbss/jopa/oom/ (diff)
The file was modifiedjopa-impl/src/test/java/cz/cvut/kbss/jopa/model/ (diff)
The file was modifiedjopa-impl/src/test/java/cz/cvut/kbss/jopa/sessions/cache/ (diff)
Commit d174f73e427ef10c43390db05ec4ab44f8596336 by Martin Ledvinka
[Bug #257] Add test reproducing the issue.
(commit: d174f73)
The file was addedmodelgen/src/test/java/cz/test/ex/
The file was modifiedmodelgen/src/test/resources/TestingClassOWL_.txt (diff)
The file was modifiedmodelgen/src/test/java/cz/test/ex/ (diff)
The file was modifiedmodelgen/src/test/java/cz/cvut/kbss/jopa/modelgen/ (diff)
Commit 91c5414252a2f9877713949ba84b0081ec2e2ff6 by Martin Ledvinka
[Bug #257] Refactor element processing in modelgen to handle annotations in element type declaration.

In JDK 17 and before, annotations were added before type ("@Annotation java.util.Set"), now, they are inserted into the type ("java.util@Annotation Set"), so we cannot rely on TypeMirror.toString when determining type.
(commit: 91c5414)
The file was modifiedmodelgen/src/main/java/cz/cvut/kbss/jopa/modelgen/classmodel/ (diff)
The file was modifiedmodelgen/src/test/resources/TestingClassOWL_.txt (diff)
The file was modifiedmodelgen/src/test/java/cz/cvut/kbss/jopa/modelgen/ (diff)
The file was modifiedmodelgen/src/main/java/cz/cvut/kbss/jopa/modelgen/ (diff)
The file was modifiedmodelgen/src/test/java/cz/cvut/kbss/jopa/modelgen/ (diff)
The file was modifiedjopa-integration-tests/src/main/java/cz/cvut/kbss/jopa/test/runner/ (diff)
Commit 799b25582f216f25ba7e913653f37cabd8d0ca8a by Martin Ledvinka
[Bug #257] Minor code cleanup in modelgen.
(commit: 799b255)
The file was modifiedmodelgen/src/main/java/cz/cvut/kbss/jopa/modelgen/classmodel/ (diff)
The file was modifiedmodelgen/src/main/java/cz/cvut/kbss/jopa/modelgen/classmodel/ (diff)
The file was modifiedmodelgen/src/main/java/cz/cvut/kbss/jopa/modelgen/ (diff)
Commit 7d844e64ac2f9de0793a412c2dc7abc91cdbf863 by Martin Ledvinka
[Enhancement #256] Add integration tests for the feature.
(commit: 7d844e6)
The file was modifiedjopa-integration-tests/src/main/java/cz/cvut/kbss/jopa/test/ (diff)
The file was modifiedjopa-integration-tests/src/main/java/cz/cvut/kbss/jopa/test/ (diff)
The file was modifiedjopa-integration-tests/src/main/java/cz/cvut/kbss/jopa/test/runner/ (diff)
The file was modifiedjopa-integration-tests/src/main/java/cz/cvut/kbss/jopa/test/runner/ (diff)
Commit da4b4b186dfc8bd5bcd0d51ae00e64a78d71837d by Martin Ledvinka
[Enhancement #256] Add support for using URI/URL as data property values when mapped to simple literal.
(commit: da4b4b1)
The file was addedjopa-impl/src/main/java/cz/cvut/kbss/jopa/oom/converter/
The file was modifiedjopa-impl/src/main/java/cz/cvut/kbss/jopa/model/metamodel/ (diff)
The file was modifiedjopa-integration-tests/src/main/java/cz/cvut/kbss/jopa/test/runner/ (diff)
The file was addedjopa-impl/src/main/java/cz/cvut/kbss/jopa/oom/converter/
Commit bb84e2c5b191ec2c40d5d2109333c4365f35224f by Martin Ledvinka
[Enhancement #245] Enable integration test testing the feature.

Disable the test for RDF4J, as it is not relevant there.
(commit: bb84e2c)
The file was modifiedontodriver-jena/src/main/java/cz/cvut/kbss/ontodriver/jena/ (diff)
The file was modifiedjopa-integration-tests-jena/src/test/java/cz/cvut/kbss/jopa/test/query/jena/ (diff)
The file was modifiedontodriver-rdf4j/src/main/java/cz/cvut/kbss/ontodriver/rdf4j/query/ (diff)
The file was modifiedjopa-integration-tests-rdf4j/src/test/java/cz/cvut/kbss/jopa/test/query/rdf4j/ (diff)
The file was modifiedjopa-integration-tests/src/main/java/cz/cvut/kbss/jopa/test/query/runner/ (diff)
Commit e6ceb1ec1224d9c11cb221321186c30ebe6e854a by Martin Ledvinka
[Enhancement #245] Flush reasoner before executing query to purge possibly stale reasoner cache.
(commit: e6ceb1e)
The file was modifiedontodriver-owlapi/src/main/java/cz/cvut/kbss/ontodriver/owlapi/query/ (diff)
The file was modifiedontodriver-owlapi/src/main/java/cz/cvut/kbss/ontodriver/owlapi/query/ (diff)
The file was modifiedontodriver-owlapi/src/main/java/cz/cvut/kbss/ontodriver/owlapi/query/ (diff)
The file was modifiedjopa-integration-tests/src/main/java/cz/cvut/kbss/jopa/test/query/runner/ (diff)
Commit 72a6675c71a8a7e20b73dfd7f1cd95b14f1b8a44 by Martin Ledvinka
[Update] Update to RDF4J 5.0.1.

Update Maven plugins and JUnit as well.
(commit: 72a6675)
The file was modifiedontodriver-rdf4j/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedpom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedontodriver-jena/pom.xml (diff)
Commit 5170f45e0a0187d09147de5dae886a8272e208c1 by Martin Ledvinka
[2.0.3] Bump version, update changelog.
(commit: 5170f45)
The file was modifiedjopa-api/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedmodelgen/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedjopa-distribution/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedjopa-integration-tests/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedjopa-owl2java/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedontodriver-jena/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedontodriver-owlapi/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedjopa-integration-tests-rdf4j/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedontodriver-rdf4j/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedontodriver-api/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedpom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedjopa-owlapi-utils/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedjopa-impl/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifieddatatype/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedjopa-maven-plugin/pom.xml (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was modifiedjopa-integration-tests-owlapi/pom.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedjopa-integration-tests-jena/pom.xml (diff)