- Added support for masked input. (commit: da8adf1) (details)
- Remove unused import. (commit: d14e4f1) (details)
- Fixed masked input. Constraint support in numeric inputs. Use (commit: ad93655) (details)
- [upd] new vocabulary (commit: 97ed5ad) (details)
- Added help icon for questions (based on dc:description property). Moved (commit: 00119a9) (details)
- Show units next to value inputs. Moved help icon next to the units (commit: 679660e) (details)
- Updated minifed css. (commit: 1ff3c06) (details)
- Merge aftermath. (commit: ee46f63) (details)
- [new] is-relevant-if (commit: f0d36ae) (details)
- [fix] is-relevant-if not showing subquestions (commit: 7794d58) (details)
- Upgraded to react-bootstrap 0.30.3. Added default input implementation. (commit: 162480c) (details)