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  1. Modified styling so that section headers are standard height (even with (commit: 842a0c2) (details)
  2. [Feature #486] Support for collapsible sections. (commit: 4ba69d4) (details)
  3. [0.1.3] Bumped version. (commit: 522c011) (details)
Commit 842a0c203e9ad90984d7cf7a59ff7479f308d3eb by Martin Ledvinka
Modified styling so that section headers are standard height (even with
a help icon).
(commit: 842a0c2)
The file was modifiedcss/semforms.css (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/components/Question.js (diff)
Commit 4ba69d4040f3989f15ae92b7ae0f3d123c3802cc by Martin Ledvinka
[Feature #486] Support for collapsible sections.
(commit: 4ba69d4)
The file was modifiedtest/__tests__/FormUtilsTest.js (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/constants/Constants.js (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/util/FormUtils.js (diff)
The file was addedtest/__tests__/QuestionTest.js
The file was modifiedsrc/components/Question.js (diff)
The file was modifiedcss/semforms.css (diff)
The file was modifiedpackage.json (diff)