- [fix] Create default wizard (commit: d758072) (details)
- [upd] Remove option to generate wizard from question (commit: d6a9387) (details)
- [upd] Display forms without wizard-step layout class (commit: e8e35d8) (details)
- [upd] Rename steps to formQuestions outside wizards (commit: 10ba9a8) (details)
- [upd] Wizardless form in modal window (commit: b79df86) (details)
- [upd] Inform user about missing questions in the form. (commit: 9a0fcf4) (details)
- [upd] Unify main form container look for all types of forms (commit: f9c0841) (details)
- [fix] Incorrect bootstrap class (commit: 575e970) (details)