



From 15.07.2018 to 13.08.2018


14:37 Feature #633 (Resolved): Support for paging in the tree component filter
Jakub Lecbych
14:36 Feature #632 (Resolved): Support for paging in the tree component
Jakub Lecbych
13:09 Feature #636 (Resolved): Dashboard UI
Lama Saeeda
13:04 Task #630 (Resolved): Modify the tree typeahead component to support simple tree view
Jakub Lecbych
11:23 Task #670 (Resolved): Mock server REST API for development
Martin Ledvinka
08:51 Task #670 (Closed): Mock server REST API for development
As a developer, I want to be able to mock the backend REST API so that I can develop the UI without having the server... Martin Ledvinka


12:27 Feature #634 (Resolved): User registration
Martin Ledvinka
10:19 Task #668 (Resolved): Logout from application
Martin Ledvinka


11:01 Task #572 (Closed): Document for requirement analysis
Closing the issue, as we most likely won't use the document. Martin Ledvinka
10:59 Feature #634 (In Progress): User registration
Martin Ledvinka


10:08 Feature #667 (Resolved): Language switching in the application
Martin Ledvinka


17:38 Feature #667 (In Progress): Language switching in the application
Martin Ledvinka
09:08 Feature #667 (Closed): Language switching in the application
As a user, I want to be able to switch UI language manually.
Acceptance criteria:
- Language switching icons are ...
Martin Ledvinka
17:38 Task #655 (Resolved): MainView with navigation panel
Martin Ledvinka
09:39 Task #655 (In Progress): MainView with navigation panel
Martin Ledvinka
09:11 Task #668 (Closed): Logout from application
As a user, I want to be able to log out of the application.
Acceptance criteria:
- Logout link/button is availabl...
Martin Ledvinka


15:16 Task #658: Support persistence unit per vocabulary version
Can be postponed to 1.0.0 Petr Křemen
12:44 Task #658 (Rejected): Support persistence unit per vocabulary version
In order to adhere to the versioning scheme adopted by Semantic Turkey, I, as a developer, need TermIt to allow to us... Martin Ledvinka
15:02 Task #666 (Closed): Top-level term creation

As a user, I want to be able to create a new top-level term in a vocabulary.
Acceptance criteria:
- Application...
Petr Křemen
14:54 Task #665 (Closed): Design a testing scenario for IPR
- prepare a 1-hour testing scenario for IPR
- (S1) creating terms through the annotation tool and explore them...
Petr Křemen
14:33 Feature #663 (Rejected): Different language support for glossary term annotations
Petr Křemen
14:17 Task #662 (Closed): Plan meeting with IPR - last two weeks of sept
Petr Křemen
13:06 Task #661 (Closed): Extend the datasource description ontology
As a developer, I want to align the TermIt ontological model with the dataset descriptor ontology created by Michal. Martin Ledvinka
12:47 Feature #660 (New): Vocabulary access management
As a developer, I need to devise an authorization system which would support access control lists for vocabularies, i... Martin Ledvinka
12:45 Task #659 (Rejected): Transactional support for version repositories
As a developer, I want to be able to use some form of declarative transactions which are able to leverage the correct... Martin Ledvinka
12:40 Task #657 (Closed): Automatic change tracking/provenance metadata generation
As a developer, I want to build an automatic system which generates provenance metadata when selected records are mod... Martin Ledvinka
12:38 Task #656 (Closed): Messaging framework in the UI
As a developer, I want to implement a generic messaging UI, which would put messages (like "Save successful" etc.) in... Martin Ledvinka
11:16 Task #655 (Closed): MainView with navigation panel
Add navigation panel to the application MainView component, which displays all views in the application except for lo... Martin Ledvinka
11:14 Feature #654 (Closed): Automatic annotation of document with existing terms
As a user, I want the application to automatically annotate an attached document with existing terms from a vocabular... Martin Ledvinka
11:10 Feature #653 (New): Document annotation
As a user, I want to be able to annotate documents related to vocabularies with existing terms and add new terms disc... Martin Ledvinka
11:01 Feature #649 (Closed): Full text search
As a user, I want to be able to use full text search to look for terms, vocabularies and documents.
Acceptance cri...
Martin Ledvinka
10:55 Feature #647 (New): Most viewed assets facet
As a user, I want to be able to see a list of most viewed assets on the dashboard.
Acceptance criteria:
- A compo...
Martin Ledvinka
10:53 Feature #646 (Closed): Recently edited assets facet
As a user, I want to see a list of recently edited assets (resources, terms, vocabularies) on the dashboard.
Martin Ledvinka
10:52 Feature #645 (Closed): Term creation
As a user, I want to be able to create a new term in a vocabulary.
Acceptance criteria:
- Application UI contains...
Martin Ledvinka
10:50 Feature #644 (New): New vocabulary version
As a user, I want to be able to create a new version of a vocabulary.
Acceptance criteria:
- New version of a voc...
Martin Ledvinka
10:48 Feature #643 (Closed): Vocabulary editing
As a user, I want to be able to edit existing vocabularies.
Acceptance criteria:
- User is able to edit vocabular...
Martin Ledvinka
10:46 Feature #642 (Closed): Vocabulary creation
As a user, I want to be able to create new vocabularies in the application.
Acceptance criteria:
- Application UI...
Martin Ledvinka
10:43 Feature #641 (Closed): Vocabulary detail screen
As a user, I want the application UI to contain a screen with details about a selected vocabulary version.
Martin Ledvinka
10:41 Feature #640 (Closed): Vocabulary management screen
As a user, I want the application UI to contain a vocabulary management screen where I would see vocabularies and som... Martin Ledvinka
10:33 Feature #639 (New): New user notification on admin login
As an application admin, I want to be notified about newly registered users on login (for now, later, web socket-base... Martin Ledvinka
10:31 Feature #638 (New): New user approval
As an application administrator, I want to be able to approve new user accounts. Until approved, these users should h... Martin Ledvinka
10:29 Feature #637 (Closed): User management
As an application administrator, I want to be able to manage application users, disable/enable/unlock them, approve n... Martin Ledvinka
10:27 Feature #636 (Closed): Dashboard UI
As a user, when I log into the application, I want to be presented with a dashboard containing basic navigation to im... Martin Ledvinka
10:24 Feature #635 (Closed): User profile editing
As a user, I want to be able to edit my profile. The following attributes should be editable: first name, last name, ... Martin Ledvinka
10:19 Feature #634 (Closed): User registration
As a user, I want to be able to register into the application.
Acceptance criteria:
- A registration form is acce...
Martin Ledvinka


09:28 Feature #633 (Closed): Support for paging in the tree component filter
As a user, I want the filter in the tree component to be able to refresh its results when another page of data is rec... Martin Ledvinka
09:26 Feature #632 (Closed): Support for paging in the tree component
As a developer, I want the tree component to be able to load data asynchronously in pages.
Acceptance criteria:
Martin Ledvinka

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