



From 21.01.2019 to 19.02.2019


16:04 Task #838: Create a set of smoke tests which will be used to automatically verify the application after a build
There is currently a problem - running all tests causes GraphDB to freeze and stop responding to queries, which means... Martin Ledvinka


15:37 Bug #854 (Closed): Tree component for Types does not collapse the tree
Hiding all siblings nodes of a node within "Types autocomplete tree component" does not work. Clicking on "-" button ... Miroslav Blaško
15:32 Bug #853 (Closed): Type is not shown when editing term
When editing term in termit UI, types are not shown, although in vocabulary there is triple:
Miroslav Blaško
15:15 Task #832 (Closed): Provide IPR with REST API
Miroslav Blaško
15:14 Task #833 (Closed): Prepare a tutorial video of TermIt
Miroslav Blaško


18:39 Task #838 (In Progress): Create a set of smoke tests which will be used to automatically verify the application after a build
Martin Ledvinka
08:02 Task #852 (Closed): Hierarchical resource list visualization
Resource list should be rendered hierarchically, with only top level resources being visible.
Currently, all resou...
Martin Ledvinka
07:57 Task #815 (Rejected): Each vocabulary can import other vocabularies
Superseded by #851. Martin Ledvinka


18:46 Task #840 (Resolved): Restrict the set of unmapped properties offered to the user when editing vocabulary/term
Martin Ledvinka


08:27 Feature #851 (Closed): Dependencies between vocabularies
As a user, I want to be able to specify that one Vocabulary imports another Vocabulary/ies. Terms from this imported ... Martin Ledvinka
08:11 Task #850 (Closed): File resource creation UI
Implement File creation UI. The UI should allow to drag&drop/select a file to upload. The File label should be extrac... Martin Ledvinka
08:08 Task #849 (Closed): File upload backend
Implement a REST endpoint and relevant internal implementation for uploading content of Files. We can assume that the... Martin Ledvinka
08:01 Feature #848 (Closed): Register file resource
As a user, I want to be able to register a file as a resource and upload it as well. It should be possible to registe... Martin Ledvinka


17:25 Bug #847 (Closed): Annotator shows stale file content
Opening two files from two different vocabularies in the annotator leads to the annotator showing the content of the ... Martin Ledvinka
17:20 Bug #772: Text analysis service - Annotations are split by stopwords
Cool! Anyway, the bug is considered fixed. Martin Ledvinka
17:07 Bug #772: Text analysis service - Annotations are split by stopwords
The specified term is apparently removed from the vocabulary so the test is not valid anymore.
you can test the fi...
Lama Saeeda
15:12 Bug #772 (Closed): Text analysis service - Annotations are split by stopwords
Couldn't find the exact reported string. But what I can tell even multi-word term occurrences are correctly marked as... Martin Ledvinka
15:14 Task #846 (Closed): Update object model and migrate data after ontology refactoring
After the ontology refactoring (#717) it is necessary to update the Java object model so that it corresponds to the c... Martin Ledvinka
14:59 Task #825 (Closed): Provide lemmatized versions of the terms returned by the Text Analysis Service
Martin Ledvinka
14:52 Task #817 (Closed): Register a set of resources for the Metropolitan Plan
Martin Ledvinka
14:52 Feature #808 (Closed): It should be possible to create term from annotator UI
Martin Ledvinka
14:51 Feature #812 (Closed): Create new annotations with RDFa properties
Martin Ledvinka
14:50 Task #804 (Closed): Unify annotator style with the rest of the UI
Martin Ledvinka
14:20 Bug #845 (Resolved): Action buttons are positioned incorrectly in annotator popover
Martin Ledvinka
13:53 Task #844 (Resolved): Create user-accessible error log in the UI
Martin Ledvinka


15:11 Task #844 (In Progress): Create user-accessible error log in the UI
Martin Ledvinka
14:50 Task #833 (Resolved): Prepare a tutorial video of TermIt
Martin Ledvinka
14:50 Task #832 (Resolved): Provide IPR with REST API
Martin Ledvinka
08:24 Bug #845 (Closed): Action buttons are positioned incorrectly in annotator popover
When the term occurrence popover is open in the annotator, the action buttons (edit, remove etc.) spill from the popo... Martin Ledvinka


09:10 Bug #841 (Resolved): Terms in the vocabulary are not visualized in the tree view
Martin Ledvinka
08:34 Task #844 (Closed): Create user-accessible error log in the UI
As a developer, I sometimes need the user to be able to send me the error shown by the application UI. However, the e... Martin Ledvinka
08:26 Task #843 (Closed): Show legend explaining colors and borders in annotator
As a user, I need to understand what the different background colors and borders around text chunks in the annotator ... Martin Ledvinka


17:24 Bug #842 (Resolved): 'Clear' button is not functional for the type assigned to a term
Nice catch. Fixed. Martin Ledvinka
15:41 Bug #842 (Closed): 'Clear' button is not functional for the type assigned to a term
In the 'Edit' operation, there is no possibility to delete the assigned type to the term. However, it works properly ... Lama Saeeda
16:48 Task #836 (Resolved): Optimize data retrieval calls from frontend to backend
Fixed most serious issues. We may consider caching data (e.g. do not reload assets when going from asset detail back ... Martin Ledvinka
08:46 Task #836 (In Progress): Optimize data retrieval calls from frontend to backend
Martin Ledvinka
15:35 Bug #841 (Closed): Terms in the vocabulary are not visualized in the tree view
When adding new terms to the vocabulary, only the last term added is present in the tree view. Lama Saeeda
13:56 Task #833 (In Progress): Prepare a tutorial video of TermIt
Martin Ledvinka
13:46 Task #789 (Closed): Vocabulary Export to RDF
Martin Ledvinka
12:54 Task #840 (Closed): Restrict the set of unmapped properties offered to the user when editing vocabulary/term
Currently the unmapped properties selector loads all the properties present in the repository. This has several probl... Martin Ledvinka


13:13 Task #831: Arrange a meeting with IPR about modeling
Meetiong set to 21st Feb 2:00 PM Michal Med


14:40 Task #831 (In Progress): Arrange a meeting with IPR about modeling
Free dates sent. Michal Med


13:31 Task #837 (Resolved): Optimize structure of data being sent from server to client
Martin Ledvinka
12:24 Task #837 (In Progress): Optimize structure of data being sent from server to client
Martin Ledvinka
10:19 Bug #828 (Resolved): Navigation from resource to related term reuses possibly incorrect vocabulary
Fixed the issue. Term editing uses store-based vocabulary as well, but the correct vocabulary is loaded when term det... Martin Ledvinka
08:52 Task #830 (Resolved): Unify action API (Frontend)
Martin Ledvinka


18:37 Task #830 (In Progress): Unify action API (Frontend)
Martin Ledvinka
10:21 Task #839 (Closed): Arrange a project coordination meeting with IPR
In this meeting, IPR and CTU should discuss the plans and schedule for their projects, as some of the tasks/features ... Martin Ledvinka
10:16 Task #838 (Closed): Create a set of smoke tests which will be used to automatically verify the application after a build
As developers, we need to be able to easily verify that the basic application functionality is available when a new b... Martin Ledvinka
10:04 Task #763 (Closed): Create a language for IPR
Martin Ledvinka
10:03 Task #823 (Closed): Simplified UI for registering new resources
Martin Ledvinka
09:40 Task #795 (Closed): Chart of term frequency in vocabularies
Martin Ledvinka
09:08 Bug #827 (Closed): Search returns no results
Confirmed fixed. Martin Ledvinka
08:59 Task #721: Align the vocabularies in Java model
Option 2) is already implemented. Can we close this issue? Martin Ledvinka
08:40 Task #837 (Closed): Optimize structure of data being sent from server to client
The amount of data sent to the client is in some cases unnecessarily large. E.g., when retrieving the list of vocabul... Martin Ledvinka
08:35 Task #836 (Closed): Optimize data retrieval calls from frontend to backend
Try to optimize the number of calls the frontend makes to the backend REST API. Some of the requests are repeated unn... Martin Ledvinka


17:25 Feature #834 (Closed): Support annotating resources by terms from multiple vocabularies
- when editing a resource, any term from any vocabulary can be assigned to it or removed from it.
- tested
Petr Křemen
17:17 Task #722: Subproperties for each of the skos:Concept property
3 options discussed so far:
1) extend JOPA - represent the pattern by two fields (property,value) on an entity whi...
Petr Křemen
16:48 Task #833 (Closed): Prepare a tutorial video of TermIt
Petr Křemen
16:47 Task #832 (Closed): Provide IPR with REST API
Send to IPR (Lochschmidtova, Ctyroky) the description of the REST API MM prepared for MVCR. The REST API will access ... Petr Křemen
16:39 Task #831 (Closed): Arrange a meeting with IPR about modeling
With IPR, we agreed that MM will arrange a meeting abobut extending the models in Modelio:
- show them the current v...
Petr Křemen
14:25 Task #830 (Closed): Unify action API (Frontend)
As a developer, I want to unify the action API on the frontend. For example, in term-related actions, we sometimes us... Martin Ledvinka
14:14 Bug #829 (Rejected): creation of new term from lemmatized phrase does not work for multi word phrases
Example: Lemmatized phrase for e.g. "koncepce metropolitniho planu" is "koncepce metropolitni plan". For this some c... Miroslav Blaško
14:09 Bug #828 (Closed): Navigation from resource to related term reuses possibly incorrect vocabulary
When navigating from a resource to a term assigned to it (clicking on the term link in the Related Term section), the... Martin Ledvinka
13:54 Task #789 (Resolved): Vocabulary Export to RDF
Martin Ledvinka
13:12 Task #789 (In Progress): Vocabulary Export to RDF
Martin Ledvinka
12:46 Task #804 (Resolved): Unify annotator style with the rest of the UI
Miroslav Blaško
12:46 Task #804: Unify annotator style with the rest of the UI
Acceptance criteria are met except of the following:
* possitions of button -- I assume it is standard possition for...
Miroslav Blaško
10:52 Feature #808 (Resolved): It should be possible to create term from annotator UI
Miroslav Blaško


16:31 Task #817: Register a set of resources for the Metropolitan Plan
Please check again. Michal Med
16:29 Task #817: Register a set of resources for the Metropolitan Plan
There were none, because it was not possible to edit resources from UI yesterday. Anyway, during some maintanance, al... Michal Med
07:52 Task #817: Register a set of resources for the Metropolitan Plan
I cannot see any annotations attached to the resources (related terms are empty in the UI) Petr Křemen


18:31 Task #817 (Feedback): Register a set of resources for the Metropolitan Plan
Old ones removed, newly added:
h3. Documents:
* Metropolitní plán Prahy 3.3,
* Metropolitní plán Prahy 3.4,
Michal Med
15:02 Task #730: Insert document annotation view into the vocabulary screen
Current state:
- working:
- annotating is possible from 2 paths as expected
- not working:
- in both paths th...
Miroslav Blaško
14:59 Task #730 (In Progress): Insert document annotation view into the vocabulary screen
On last meeting we agreed:
- fullscreen does not make sense
- content annotation should be accessible through 2 URL...
Miroslav Blaško
14:55 Feature #808 (In Progress): It should be possible to create term from annotator UI
It should be done, but i cannot test it now as creation of terms does not work (I wrote email). Miroslav Blaško


21:06 Bug #827 (Resolved): Search returns no results
Not caused by model change, but by my accidental deletion of the Lucene connector. Petr Křemen
18:08 Bug #827 (Closed): Search returns no results
After today's changes to the model, FTS stopped returning any results. E.g. running search for "plocha", which used t... Martin Ledvinka
17:37 Feature #826 (Rejected): Files should be listed as resources
mentioned in #823 Petr Křemen
17:36 Task #823 (Resolved): Simplified UI for registering new resources
Petr Křemen


17:33 Bug #772 (Resolved): Text analysis service - Annotations are split by stopwords
Lama Saeeda
17:25 Task #817 (In Progress): Register a set of resources for the Metropolitan Plan
Michal Med
17:25 Task #817: Register a set of resources for the Metropolitan Plan
Added and annotated: karlovo náměstí, zastávka karlovo náměstí, Hřebenka, Staré Střešovice, rostlá, čistírna odpadníc... Michal Med
01:09 Task #817: Register a set of resources for the Metropolitan Plan
Use vocabularies from Petr Křemen
08:19 Task #823: Simplified UI for registering new resources
This is because of the missing RDFS inference in the termit-dev repository. The updated ruleset + the current termit ... Martin Ledvinka
00:20 Task #823 (Feedback): Simplified UI for registering new resources
File cannot be created - on submit a green message box appears but the resource list on the left does not show the ne... Petr Křemen
01:13 Task #825: Provide lemmatized versions of the terms returned by the Text Analysis Service
Vocabularies for demonstration are at Petr Křemen
01:08 Task #824 (Rejected): SKOD setup for demo
Would require DCAT-AP 1.2-compliant input. The dcat-ap-viewer does not have any UI to register new resources.
We c...
Petr Křemen
00:28 Task #806 (Closed): Replace icon buttons with labelled ones
Petr Křemen
00:25 Feature #820 (Closed): Allow creation and deletion of resources
Petr Křemen
00:20 Task #810 (Closed): Dashboard layout
Petr Křemen
00:15 Bug #821 (Closed): Creating of terms does not work
Petr Křemen
00:15 Task #793 (Closed): Action Panel
Petr Křemen
00:14 Task #794 (Closed): ChangeLog
Petr Křemen
00:14 Task #795 (Resolved): Chart of term frequency in vocabularies
It is positioned to the canvas inside of the apexcharts library. Does not pay off to deal with. Petr Křemen


21:04 Task #825 (Resolved): Provide lemmatized versions of the terms returned by the Text Analysis Service
Lama Saeeda


10:52 Feature #820 (Resolved): Allow creation and deletion of resources
Martin Ledvinka
09:19 Feature #820 (In Progress): Allow creation and deletion of resources
Martin Ledvinka


16:54 Task #825: Provide lemmatized versions of the terms returned by the Text Analysis Service
The keywords are enhanced with the lemmatized version through the 'content' attribute. (done).
Current status: - F...
Lama Saeeda
16:47 Task #825 (In Progress): Provide lemmatized versions of the terms returned by the Text Analysis Service
Lama Saeeda
12:31 Task #823 (Resolved): Simplified UI for registering new resources
Martin Ledvinka
11:30 Task #806 (Resolved): Replace icon buttons with labelled ones
Lama Saeeda

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