



From 01.10.2019 to 30.10.2019


10:56 Bug #945 (Resolved): Select vocabulary to analyze a file does not show all vocabularies
Martin Ledvinka
09:57 Feature #635 (Closed): User profile editing
Martin Ledvinka


10:36 Bug #945 (In Progress): Select vocabulary to analyze a file does not show all vocabularies
Martin Ledvinka
10:33 Bug #980 (Closed): SPARQL transformation from ttl to GraphDb does not accept context with diacritics
Martin Ledvinka


17:09 Bug #917: Source tag is not read by Termit
Yeah, termit-dev is running the updated version. The data will need updating, but that's probably just removing some ... Martin Ledvinka
17:07 Bug #917: Source tag is not read by Termit
That is fine for me. Is it already applied to some published version of termit to check it?
Michal Med
15:16 Bug #917 (Feedback): Source tag is not read by Termit
Modified Term to have sources as annotation property with simpleLiteral setting. JOPA will attempt to store such valu... Martin Ledvinka
16:01 Feature #635: User profile editing
Hello, can you please do a review and merge it to development? Tomáš Klíma
15:53 Feature #635 (Resolved): User profile editing
Tomáš Klíma
15:32 Task #991 (Rejected): Visually differentiate document vocabularies
As a user, I want to be able to easily distinguish document vocabularies from regular vocabularies. Martin Ledvinka
15:26 Feature #903 (Resolved): UI support for dc:source of type uri
TermIt UI shows Term sources as clickable links if they correspond to a predefined URI pattern (currently, starting w... Martin Ledvinka


09:55 Bug #917 (In Progress): Source tag is not read by Termit
Martin Ledvinka


13:19 Task #990 (New): Client-side caching
As a developer, I want to improve application performance and reduce server load by allowing clients to cache data.
Martin Ledvinka


21:24 Support #985: Provide examples of related terms to IPR
In the example for the term "Typ struktury pro zastavitelné stavební lokality", there is a diagram attached. Pink ter... Michal Med
08:29 Task #856 (Resolved): Integrate smoke tests into application build cycle
Configured tests to run every night. Test screenshots are archived, but old builds are discarded after 30 days to sav... Martin Ledvinka


18:18 Task #856: Integrate smoke tests into application build cycle
Going with strategy 2. The tests are quite time consuming and would load the server on each build.
Martin Ledvinka
13:44 Task #856 (In Progress): Integrate smoke tests into application build cycle
Martin Ledvinka


11:13 Feature #989 (Rejected): Change log
Create change log document that will contain:
* date of change,
* original state,
* new state.
Michal Med
08:24 Feature #759 (Closed): Resource management
Closing, as existing subtasks have been done. Further resource management should be specified as new tasks. Martin Ledvinka


12:27 Task #894 (In Progress): Support creation of document vocabularies
Lama Saeeda


10:51 Task #790 (Closed): CU for resources - UI
Acceptance criteria were covered by related tasks, which are all closed now. Martin Ledvinka
10:50 Task #963 (Closed): Resource updating
Martin Ledvinka


18:36 Task #838 (Resolved): Create a set of smoke tests which will be used to automatically verify the application after a build
Unable to reproduce the issue with GraphDB getting stuck since 8.10.x. So I consider this task resolved, the tests ar... Martin Ledvinka


18:06 Feature #988 (Closed): Upload content for existing file
When a new Vocabulary is created by import from Modelio, new Document and File are also created. But it is not possib... Michal Med
11:06 Bug #980 (Resolved): SPARQL transformation from ttl to GraphDb does not accept context with diacritics
solved, uris for legislation vocabularies are:
Michal Med
10:44 Support #986 (In Progress): Send set of related subtasks to IPR
Michal Med
09:56 Bug #929 (Resolved): Annotator goes into infinite term loading loop when file content contains no term occurrences
Martin Ledvinka
09:06 Bug #929 (In Progress): Annotator goes into infinite term loading loop when file content contains no term occurrences
Martin Ledvinka


13:02 Task #987 (Closed): Consider redesign of switch to show importing vocabularies
Within a vocabulary, there is a way to include/exclude imported vocabularies through a toggle button. The current des... Lama Saeeda


12:55 Support #986: Send set of related subtasks to IPR
Tasks sent, waiting for reaction from IPR.
1) Textová analýza textu definice uloženého v pojmech,
2) Anot...
Michal Med
09:15 Support #986 (Closed): Send set of related subtasks to IPR
Use case of finding related terms is divided into subtasks #956, #960, #959, #942, #955, #957 and possible new task a... Michal Med
12:13 Bug #980: SPARQL transformation from ttl to GraphDb does not accept context with diacritics Michal Med
11:42 Task #963 (Resolved): Resource updating
Lama Saeeda
09:13 Support #985 (Closed): Provide examples of related terms to IPR
In planning of new feature to TermIt it is essential to recognize what makes terms related.
Acceptance criteria:
Michal Med
09:03 Bug #947: Navigating within autocomplete component results in blank screen
Still, I do not think that parent from lower-level vocabulary is wrong. Michal Med

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