



From 23.06.2020 to 22.07.2020


18:07 Bug #1302: Maven test build failing on Windows
Note that this also affects OWL2Java when it is generating the application vocabulary and attempts to access local fi... Martin Ledvinka
17:38 Task #1324 (Resolved): Include imported vocabularies in text analysis input
Martin Ledvinka
16:23 Task #1324 (In Progress): Include imported vocabularies in text analysis input
Martin Ledvinka
12:50 Task #1324 (Closed): Include imported vocabularies in text analysis input
As a user, I want text analysis of a file to use the vocabulary I specified and all the vocabularies this vocabulary ... Martin Ledvinka
17:30 Feature #1327 (Closed): OntoUml Validation of terms
As a TermIt user I want to know whether my terms and their relationships are consistent and well-defined. This means ... Petr Křemen
16:12 Bug #1280 (Resolved): It is possible to annotate content of popup windows
Martin Ledvinka
15:08 Bug #1280 (In Progress): It is possible to annotate content of popup windows
Martin Ledvinka
14:39 Bug #1028 (Resolved): JSON serialization of vocabularies causes stack overflow
Martin Ledvinka
14:31 Bug #1028 (In Progress): JSON serialization of vocabularies causes stack overflow
Martin Ledvinka
13:57 Bug #1281 (Resolved): Vocabularies within statistics are not possible to read
Martin Ledvinka
13:47 Bug #1281 (In Progress): Vocabularies within statistics are not possible to read
Martin Ledvinka
13:18 Bug #1312: Annotator handles < incorrectly
Possibly could have been fixed by the dependency updates. Please, verify. Martin Ledvinka
13:12 Bug #1312 (Feedback): Annotator handles < incorrectly
Unable to reproduce with the specified file and vocabulary "ML test". Could you provide more info or a better reprodu... Martin Ledvinka
12:45 Bug #1312 (In Progress): Annotator handles < incorrectly
Martin Ledvinka
13:17 Bug #1316 (Feedback): Imported HTML with downlevel-revealed conditional comments are not possible to visualize
Unable to reproduce under the updated UI on dev (file "zkouska_tabulka_v2.html" analyzed with vocabulary "ML test"). ... Martin Ledvinka
11:32 Bug #1323 (Closed): It is not possible to edit the term label by only changing the letters' case
Reproduce: Edit an existing term by changing the case of the letter (e.g., change its first letter to uppercase/lower... Lama Saeeda
11:03 Bug #1318 (Resolved): Cannot create a document vocabulary
Martin Ledvinka
10:41 Task #1317 (Resolved): Update frontend dependencies
Martin Ledvinka


13:19 Feature #1322 (New): Support importing xlsx files
As a user, I would like to be able to import XLSX files to annotate it with an annotator.
Note: The issue might b...
Miroslav Blaško
10:01 Bug #1289 (Resolved): Term type shall be better described, also with more examples
Petr Křemen


21:34 Task #890: Support for skos:related for Terms
Question: Should it be possible to select any existing term as related, or only terms from (transitively) imported vo... Martin Ledvinka
21:30 Bug #1016 (Rejected): Last editor and last modified date of a File related to a Vocabulary are stored in the default context
Obsolete since the switch to change tracking. Martin Ledvinka
21:25 Task #657 (Closed): Automatic change tracking/provenance metadata generation
Closing as obsolete and partially implemented. Martin Ledvinka
21:24 Task #1150 (Closed): Send lean canvas output to IPR
Closing as obsolete. Martin Ledvinka
15:03 Bug #1289 (Feedback): Term type shall be better described, also with more examples
I suggest you have edited only czech. I have some comments:
Například 'Olympiáda 2022' se stane událostí až po své...
Michal Med
14:38 Task #1317 (In Progress): Update frontend dependencies
Martin Ledvinka
08:39 Task #1317 (Closed): Update frontend dependencies
As a developer, I want to update dependencies in termit-ui, especially Webpack. This should fix the issue with webpac... Martin Ledvinka
11:25 Bug #1318 (Closed): Cannot create a document vocabulary
Tested on termit-dev.
Upon creating a new vocabulary (název "A pokusný dokumentový slovník 2") and attaching it a ...
Petr Křemen


22:41 Bug #1289 (Resolved): Term type shall be better described, also with more examples
Resolved. Next iteration. Petr Křemen


16:37 Task #1313 (Resolved): Merge useful changes from KODI into TermIt
Martin Ledvinka
08:24 Bug #1316 (Rejected): Imported HTML with downlevel-revealed conditional comments are not possible to visualize
If I import HTML file which contains "downlevel-revealed conditional comments" ( Miroslav Blaško


15:26 Task #1313 (In Progress): Merge useful changes from KODI into TermIt
Martin Ledvinka
15:04 Task #1313 (Closed): Merge useful changes from KODI into TermIt
This includes:
* Making the model based on SKOS and DC as much as possible
* Replacing provenance data with chang...
Martin Ledvinka
15:02 Feature #720 (Closed): Breadcrumb navigation
Done as part of the UI redesign by Tomáš Klíma. Martin Ledvinka
15:00 Feature #1285 (Rejected): Expand parent concepts while filtering in tree component
Duplicate of #1013. Martin Ledvinka
14:56 Task #1076 (Closed): Preload terms in annotator
Done. Martin Ledvinka
14:55 Task #1097 (Closed): Show term definition instead of comment in annotator
Not relevant anymore (neither comment nor definition are displayed by annotation popup). Martin Ledvinka
14:52 Task #1138 (Closed): Send TermIT UI design link to IPR when it is finalized
Not relevant anymore. Martin Ledvinka


13:00 Bug #1307 (Closed): Annotator - accepted occurrences shall open in annotation view
Michal Med
12:50 Bug #1249 (Closed): Annotace - space behind the phrase is part of occurrence
Michal Med


18:12 Bug #1249 (Resolved): Annotace - space behind the phrase is part of occurrence
Lama Saeeda


14:18 Bug #1312 (Closed): Annotator handles < incorrectly
Html documents containing &_lt; symbol (or its equivalents such as &_#60;) are incorrectly imported.
Such docume...
Miroslav Blaško


15:15 Bug #1307 (Resolved): Annotator - accepted occurrences shall open in annotation view
Martin Ledvinka
09:24 Bug #1307 (Closed): Annotator - accepted occurrences shall open in annotation view
After solving issues #1247 and #1277, behavior of popup over accepted occurrences and term definitions were changed. ... Michal Med


22:05 Task #1297 (Closed): Optimize annotator
Michal Med
11:59 Bug #1289 (Feedback): Term type shall be better described, also with more examples
It seem s unclear.
Suggested edits:
"(Nepovinný) typ pojmu. Rozlišujeme typy a individuály - typem je například 'Mě...
Michal Med


13:39 Bug #1304 (Closed): Erroneously assigning terms when editing a resource
Lama Saeeda
10:19 Bug #1304 (Resolved): Erroneously assigning terms when editing a resource
Martin Ledvinka
09:09 Bug #1304 (In Progress): Erroneously assigning terms when editing a resource
Martin Ledvinka


20:17 Bug #1304 (Closed): Erroneously assigning terms when editing a resource
When editing an existing resource, then click the "Save" button, all available terms are assigned to the saved resour... Lama Saeeda
12:06 Feature #1266 (Closed): Change Source term box to textbox
Michal Med
09:01 Feature #1266 (Resolved): Change Source term box to textbox
Petr Křemen


15:30 Task #1297 (Resolved): Optimize annotator
Martin Ledvinka
09:28 Bug #1289 (Resolved): Term type shall be better described, also with more examples
Updated for Czech language only for now. Petr Křemen


16:29 Bug #1302 (Closed): Maven test build failing on Windows
Maven test build failing on windows when parsing "popis dat model" URL [1] in the Environment class caused by Czech c... Lama Saeeda
12:17 Bug #1301 (Rejected): Adding file does not allow it to go to content, it must be refreshed
it does not behave like this anymore Michal Med


19:48 Task #1283 (Closed): Optimize term occurrence update when processing text analysis results
Michal Med
19:00 Task #1283 (Resolved): Optimize term occurrence update when processing text analysis results
Fixed. Martin Ledvinka
16:15 Task #1283 (Feedback): Optimize term occurrence update when processing text analysis results
Analysis does not work at all. After creating new vocabulary and document, attaching a file and running analysis, I g... Michal Med
16:22 Bug #1289 (Feedback): Term type shall be better described, also with more examples
I think it shjall be even in more detail. Maybe try to use some of the descriptions from the termit testing for IPR:
Michal Med
16:06 Bug #1301 (Rejected): Adding file does not allow it to go to content, it must be refreshed
After adding file to the document, the page must be refreshed to allow user to get to the content (the button Content... Michal Med
15:09 Bug #1298 (Closed): Change imported voc. switch on term detail to just info label
Michal Med
15:00 Bug #1298: Change imported voc. switch on term detail to just info label
Original view attached Petr Křemen
12:50 Bug #1298 (Resolved): Change imported voc. switch on term detail to just info label
Petr Křemen
12:43 Bug #1298 (In Progress): Change imported voc. switch on term detail to just info label
Petr Křemen
09:24 Bug #1298 (Closed): Change imported voc. switch on term detail to just info label
Petr Křemen
15:00 Bug #1299: Blacklist OWL and SKOS types for terms in UI
Original view attached Petr Křemen
14:59 Bug #1299 (Closed): Blacklist OWL and SKOS types for terms in UI
Michal Med
11:56 Bug #1299 (Resolved): Blacklist OWL and SKOS types for terms in UI
Petr Křemen
10:34 Bug #1299 (In Progress): Blacklist OWL and SKOS types for terms in UI
Petr Křemen
09:24 Bug #1299 (Closed): Blacklist OWL and SKOS types for terms in UI
so owl:Class and skos:Concept should not be shown on term detail. Petr Křemen
13:00 Feature #1259 (Closed): Distinguish filtering box for filtering vocabs and terms
Michal Med
12:37 Feature #1266: Change Source term box to textbox
Duplicates were removed from all vocabularies relevant for IPR to which I have access. Duplicates are remaining in vo... Michal Med
12:08 Task #1297 (In Progress): Optimize annotator
Martin Ledvinka
08:44 Task #1297 (Closed): Optimize annotator
Currently, the annotator is barely usable due to its slow performance on larger files. The performance needs to be im... Martin Ledvinka
09:56 Feature #1300 (Rejected): Support expert roles within UI
It should be possible to switch user into the role of expert user. Within this role user would be able to see:
- Gen...
Miroslav Blaško
00:11 Task #1162 (Closed): Redesign Termit UI
Great job, thanks. Miroslav Blaško

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