



From 10.09.2020 to 09.10.2020


08:58 Feature #1327 (Resolved): OntoUml Validation of terms
Petr Křemen


11:56 Feature #1322: Support importing xlsx files
Martin, thanks for the link, this might help. Miroslav Blaško


13:46 Task #696 (Rejected): Provide rich UI for properties and types visualized in UI
not linked to a high-level feature. Rejecting. Petr Křemen
13:28 Feature #1300 (Rejected): Support expert roles within UI
no feature, rejecting. Petr Křemen
13:21 Task #893 (Rejected): Prepare introductory materials for potential customers
superseded by the related ticket. Petr Křemen
13:20 Task #1139 (Rejected): Contact IPR regarding the scenario to enhance their online maps
Petr Křemen
13:19 Task #1406 (New): TermIt video presentations
Create a set of presentations of TermIt to show typical scenarios working with TermIt. Not necessarily a high-level P... Petr Křemen
13:12 Task #816 (Rejected): Redesign editing of predicate-object (attribute-value) pairs
no high-level feature, rejecting. Petr Křemen
13:09 Feature #800 (Rejected): Annotator UI should provide selector for term occurrences
Needs feature, rejecting. Petr Křemen
12:59 Feature #1265 (Closed): Rethink source of definition and source of term relation
Petr Křemen
12:30 Support #758 (Rejected): Installer
superseded by dockerization (related ticket) Petr Křemen
12:28 Task #658 (Rejected): Support persistence unit per vocabulary version
Petr Křemen
11:53 Task #1336 (Closed): Annotace support for skos altLabel and hiddenLabel
Petr Křemen


11:07 Task #1400 (In Progress): Frontend for displaying multilingual attribute values
Martin Ledvinka
11:06 Task #1400 (Closed): Frontend for displaying multilingual attribute values
Multilingual attributes provided by the server need to be displayed on the frontend. This includes:
* A suitable v...
Martin Ledvinka
06:36 Bug #1384 (Feedback): Annotace needs Tomcat restart after redeploy
Cannot reproduce, seeing there however:
2020-10-01 06:31:46 [http-nio-18189-exec-2] DEBUG c.c.k.t.service.OntologySe...
Petr Křemen


23:59 Task #724 (Feedback): Add support for multiple parents of term
This task was not finished as it depends on subtask #1024, which cannot be completed (ran out of budget):
Partial ...
Miroslav Blaško
23:53 Feature #1024 (New): Support multiple parents within inteligent tree component
Miroslav Blaško
23:52 Feature #1024 (Rejected): Support multiple parents within inteligent tree component
Miroslav Blaško
23:52 Feature #1024: Support multiple parents within inteligent tree component
New component was implemented here: It is complete rewrite which h... Miroslav Blaško
22:56 Bug #1360 (Closed): Assigning term to occurrence is visible only after page refresh
Miroslav Blaško
22:56 Bug #1360: Assigning term to occurrence is visible only after page refresh
According to our discussion -- ror the remining issue I created task #1399. This one I consider closed. Miroslav Blaško
22:54 Bug #1399 (Closed): Unable to decouple term from its occurrence
Within the annotator whenever I have an occurrence of a *known* term I cannot remove the association to the term (i.e... Miroslav Blaško


19:06 Feature #1265: Rethink source of definition and source of term relation
followup tasks in #1394 Michal Med
19:05 Task #1398 (Closed): TermIt definitions - Mark term definition dialogue in annotator
It is only possible to create a Source of definition in the Annotator, but marking a term definition may also affect ... Michal Med
19:03 Task #1397 (Closed): TermIt definitions - Term detail window
The same Definition block as in the #1396 term windows shall be in the Term detail.
Besides Text and Source there wi...
Michal Med
19:01 Task #1396 (Closed): TermIt definitions - create term and edit term dialogues
In the Create term window is only possible to write a Definition text manually. In the Advanced options is also a Sou... Michal Med
18:41 Task #1395 (New): TermIt definitions - changes in the ontology
This task is not so important, because it would work even without changes in ontology. The reason to change the ontol... Michal Med
18:13 Task #1394 (Closed): Remake approach on definitions in termit
This ticket is based on the outputs of the Michal Med


03:12 Bug #1360 (Feedback): Assigning term to occurrence is visible only after page refresh
Miroslav Blaško
03:12 Bug #1360: Assigning term to occurrence is visible only after page refresh
The first part scenario #2 is fixed and works as expected. But within the last step of the scenario I demonstrated an... Miroslav Blaško


18:12 Bug #1360 (Resolved): Assigning term to occurrence is visible only after page refresh Petr Křemen
09:03 Bug #1360: Assigning term to occurrence is visible only after page refresh
Next round of testing (an update):
- From the last time I have created the ticket, the UI of annotator changed, thus...
Miroslav Blaško
08:21 Feature #1327: OntoUml Validation of terms
PR created
Blocked by th...
Petr Křemen


17:18 Feature #1385 (New): Community version of TermIt
As a public administration organization
I want to have an external service to manage my own vocabularies
So that I ...
Petr Křemen
09:17 Feature #1262 (Closed): Rethink Vocabulary -> Document -> File
Petr Křemen


13:08 Task #1336 (Resolved): Annotace support for skos altLabel and hiddenLabel
The follow-up discussion is in the document Lama Saeeda
12:24 Task #1176: Unify the way to generate term URI between Modelio and TermIt
works as expected Miroslav Blaško
12:24 Task #1176 (Closed): Unify the way to generate term URI between Modelio and TermIt
Miroslav Blaško
09:47 Bug #1383 (Closed): Obsolete error messages displayed after login
Tried on dev, accessing term detail without auth - cannot reproduce any stale error message upon login/logout. Petr Křemen


17:25 Task #1336: Annotace support for skos altLabel and hiddenLabel
for "krycí list" is selected "krycí list odůvodnění". "Krycí list" is altLabel for both "krycí list odůvodnění" and "... Michal Med
17:24 Task #1336: Annotace support for skos altLabel and hiddenLabel
krycí list lokality and krycí list odůvodnění have shorts as hidden labels - KLZ and KLO. KLO are selected, KLZ not. Michal Med
15:51 Task #1336 (Feedback): Annotace support for skos altLabel and hiddenLabel
I think that annotace works wrong. I was analyzing document 1336 against MPP 3.5 vocabulary in termit-dev and I do no... Michal Med


11:18 Feature #1364 (In Progress): Implement visualization of a simple scoring function
Lama Saeeda


14:05 Task #1176 (Resolved): Unify the way to generate term URI between Modelio and TermIt
Martin Ledvinka
09:27 Task #1176 (In Progress): Unify the way to generate term URI between Modelio and TermIt
Pulling the task into 2.1.0, as it has been requested for KODI as well. Martin Ledvinka
09:23 Bug #1384: Annotace needs Tomcat restart after redeploy
I definitely vote for solution 1. Martin Ledvinka


16:38 Feature #1265 (Resolved): Rethink source of definition and source of term relation
Michal Med
16:25 Bug #1384 (Closed): Annotace needs Tomcat restart after redeploy
* Reproduce: Redeploy Annotace in Jenkins.
* The service is down due to exception "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: C...
Lama Saeeda
15:31 Task #1375 (Closed): Dockerize TermIt
Petr Křemen

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