



From 20.09.2018 to 19.10.2018


14:37 Task #738 (Rejected): Support internationalized IRIs for assets
Asset identifiers should support IRIs (possibly with punnycode). Petr Křemen
14:00 Task #737 (Closed): Resource Tagging
Resource should be equipped with the tagging functionality which should serve to:
- searching/filtering a resource b...
Petr Křemen
13:54 Task #736 (Closed): Visualization of types statistics
Each term can be assigned a type in the chosen language. A graph visualizing how many terms belong to which types sho... Petr Křemen
13:51 Feature #735 (Closed): render document list for vocabulary
Petr Křemen
13:49 Feature #735: render document list for vocabulary
Here document = file Petr Křemen
09:08 Feature #735 (Resolved): render document list for vocabulary
I believe acceptation criteria of this issue are satisfied and thus this task should be resolved. (note that formulat... Miroslav Blaško
08:56 Feature #735 (Feedback): render document list for vocabulary
This is an issue that is duplicate of (#676) which i accidentally deleted. This issue copies content of the original ... Miroslav Blaško
08:49 Feature #735 (Resolved): render document list for vocabulary
commit 0bdae991583872812461daba9e85f6858d1dbf42 Miroslav Blaško
08:48 Feature #735 (Closed): render document list for vocabulary
As a user, I want to be able to see a list of metadata records about HTML documents attached to a vocabulary.
Miroslav Blaško
08:19 Task #733 (Closed): Visualize document metadata
Metadata about a resource that relates to a vocabulary should be visualized on vocabulary page as a tab (possibly it ... Miroslav Blaško
02:33 Bug #732 (Rejected): Terms with Czech accents do not resolve properly
When I select the term "Administrátor" in "Slovník veřejné správy" (termit-dev), and try to edit anything and save, i... Petr Křemen


23:36 Task #678 (Closed): Generate annotations based on text analysis output
Petr Křemen
23:35 Task #684 (Closed): Invoke text analysis
Petr Křemen
23:35 Task #686 (Closed): Generate new terms based on text analysis suggestions
Petr Křemen
23:34 Task #711 (Closed): Backup original file before saving text analysis results
Petr Křemen
23:34 Feature #706 (Closed): Term Editing
Petr Křemen
10:18 Feature #706 (Resolved): Term Editing
Martin Ledvinka
10:14 Feature #706: Term Editing
Resolved with some limitations:
- IRI editing is currently disabled, as it needs to be decided whether it makes sens...
Martin Ledvinka
23:31 Task #697 (Closed): Do not generate duplicate term occurrence on repeated document text analysis
Petr Křemen
23:11 Task #707 (Closed): Improve the accuracy of the automatic annotations
Petr Křemen
13:24 Task #707 (Resolved): Improve the accuracy of the automatic annotations
Lama Saeeda
13:05 Task #707: Improve the accuracy of the automatic annotations
* case "dokumentace mesta" --> "", score=1 :
Mesto is infinitive of...
Miroslav Blaško
23:11 Task #708 (Closed): Explore the way how to improve the accuracy of the Text Analysis service
Petr Křemen
23:10 Feature #677 (Closed): Render HTML document
Petr Křemen
11:14 Feature #677 (Resolved): Render HTML document
commit 6d22dba54257fe22889d752a2532ee4b081f78e6 Miroslav Blaško
22:56 Feature #671 (Feedback): Full-text search field
In dev, the search field correctly suggests the assets, but clicking on a found asset (e.g. "Index stabilizované část... Petr Křemen
22:50 Feature #654 (Closed): Automatic annotation of document with existing terms
Petr Křemen
22:49 Task #687 (Closed): Store text analysis output as file content
Petr Křemen
22:01 Task #731 (Resolved): Dev deployment
Petr Křemen
22:01 Task #731: Dev deployment
Create the DEV deployment of Termit at Petr Křemen
14:14 Task #731 (Closed): Dev deployment
Petr Křemen
14:08 Task #730 (Closed): Insert document annotation view into the vocabulary screen
As a developer, I want to integrate the document annotation view into the application UI.
Acceptance criteria:
- ...
Petr Křemen
14:05 Task #729 (Closed): Do not generate new terms for keywords
As a developer, I do not want new terms to be created when the text analysis suggests them. Instead, the suggestion s... Petr Křemen
13:08 Feature #709 (In Progress): Create a button to run the text analysis service
Miroslav Blaško
10:48 Feature #643 (In Progress): Vocabulary editing
Martin Ledvinka


17:37 Feature #728 (Rejected): Allow importing vocabularies
Each vocabulary should be able to import other vocabularies.
Acceptance criteria:
- Vocabulary metadata should be...
Petr Křemen
16:42 Feature #705 (Resolved): Support for a simple UFO-based Language
Petr Křemen
16:41 Feature #727 (New): Enrich the tree of available types for term annotation
Allow also the types from the current vocabulary to be available in the 'types':
- Building --> type --> Object Type...
Petr Křemen
14:17 Task #726 (Closed): Synchronize term detail view with routing
As a developer, I want to synchronize term detail view (in the vocabulary detail tab panel) with routing, so that whe... Martin Ledvinka


18:04 Task #725 (Closed): Revisit the structure of term hierarchies in glossary
Currently, the model is built top down, i.e.., each terms points to its possible sub-terms and the glossary itself po... Martin Ledvinka
18:00 Task #724 (Closed): Add support for multiple parents of term
As a developer, I need to go through the application code (mainly frontend) and ensure that it supports terms with mu... Martin Ledvinka
14:37 Task #707: Improve the accuracy of the automatic annotations
A matching score is now attached to each annotation. Lama Saeeda


08:06 Task #723 (Rejected): Unify UI of create term with term edit and vocabulary creation UI
As a developer, I want to unify the UI of create term with other editing forms, e.g., term edit and vocabulary creati... Martin Ledvinka


14:47 Task #707 (Feedback): Improve the accuracy of the automatic annotations
Now the service is able to annotate phrases instead of individual tokens in the text when possible.
- The overall ...
Lama Saeeda
14:46 Task #708 (Resolved): Explore the way how to improve the accuracy of the Text Analysis service
Lama Saeeda


18:09 Task #721: Align the vocabularies in Java model
Term model in Java should be transformed as follows:
* rdfs:label -> popis-dat:nazev & SPIN (popis-dat:nazev rdf...
Petr Křemen
18:04 Task #721 (Closed): Align the vocabularies in Java model
Term model in Java should be transformed as follows:
- rdfs:label -> popis-dat:nazev & SPIN (popis-dat:nazev rdf...
Petr Křemen
18:08 Task #722 (New): Subproperties for each of the skos:Concept property
For each of the skos:Concept properties:
* rdfs:label
* rdfs:comment
* skos:narrower
we should be able to specify...
Petr Křemen
17:03 Feature #706 (In Progress): Term Editing
Martin Ledvinka
16:07 Feature #720 (Closed): Breadcrumb navigation
As a user, I would find it beneficial if the application UI contained breadcrumb navigation. For example, when I open... Martin Ledvinka
14:33 Task #697 (Resolved): Do not generate duplicate term occurrence on repeated document text analysis
Martin Ledvinka
10:07 Task #697 (In Progress): Do not generate duplicate term occurrence on repeated document text analysis
Martin Ledvinka


15:45 Feature #705 (In Progress): Support for a simple UFO-based Language
Petr Křemen


14:58 Task #711 (Resolved): Backup original file before saving text analysis results
Backup generated for every text analysis service run, so that we have complete history. Martin Ledvinka
09:01 Feature #671 (Resolved): Full-text search field
Finished label search - search uses simple substring matching on term and vocabulary labels (names). There is a searc... Martin Ledvinka
04:28 Task #699 (Closed): Unify create new vocabulary and create new term buttons
Petr Křemen
04:27 Task #665 (Closed): Design a testing scenario for IPR
Petr Křemen
04:24 Task #674 (Closed): Change view of the Vocabulary Detail screen
Petr Křemen
04:20 Task #685 (Closed): Generate RDFa out of text analysis output
Petr Křemen


18:57 Task #708: Explore the way how to improve the accuracy of the Text Analysis service
- Combining the tokens based on common phrases. implemented. Notice some improvements of the annotations (see some ex... Lama Saeeda
18:12 Task #707 (In Progress): Improve the accuracy of the automatic annotations
Lama Saeeda


18:32 Task #708 (In Progress): Explore the way how to improve the accuracy of the Text Analysis service
Lama Saeeda


14:23 Task #711 (Closed): Backup original file before saving text analysis results
As a developer, I want to back up the original content of the file passed to text analysis service, so that it is sto... Martin Ledvinka
14:16 Task #710 (Closed): Specify the type of the term for an occurrence in RDFa
Acceptance Criteria:
- each term occurrence in an RDFa document should have an information whether it was suggested/...
Petr Křemen
14:11 Feature #709 (Closed): Create a button to run the text analysis service
Acceptance criteria:
- A button to run (async) text analysis service is shown next to the document listed for a voca...
Petr Křemen
14:02 Task #708 (Closed): Explore the way how to improve the accuracy of the Text Analysis service
Acceptance criteria:
- propose strategy to improve accuracy of the text analysis service
Petr Křemen
13:11 Feature #705: Support for a simple UFO-based Language
and the terms from the current vocabulary:
- Building --> type --> Object Type
- Dancing House --> type --> Buildin...
Petr Křemen
00:36 Feature #694 (Resolved): Support for unified asset visualization in UI
Implemented for vocabularies and terms with the link to the summary screen, not the detail screen. Petr Křemen


20:46 Task #707 (Closed): Improve the accuracy of the automatic annotations
The phrases in the text should be linked to the corresponding ontological types instead of individual tokens.
- Co...
Lama Saeeda
20:40 Feature #654 (Resolved): Automatic annotation of document with existing terms
Current status:
- Assigning individual tokens to corresponding ontological types.
Lama Saeeda
18:57 Feature #706: Term Editing
Implement the term editing functionality:
Acceptance Criteria:
- each term can be edited on the term detail scree...
Petr Křemen
14:02 Feature #706 (Closed): Term Editing
Petr Křemen
18:49 Task #699 (Resolved): Unify create new vocabulary and create new term buttons
Petr Křemen
13:51 Feature #705 (Closed): Support for a simple UFO-based Language
Type of a term might be :
- Object, Relator, IntrinsicTrope, Event, ObjectType, RelatorType, IntrinsicTropeType, Eve...
Petr Křemen
13:49 Task #701 (Rejected): Extend term types to support UFO Language
Petr Křemen
13:27 Feature #704 (Rejected): List of occurrences for term
As a user, I want to be able to see the list of occurrences on term detail. Clicking on the occurrence should then ta... Martin Ledvinka
13:22 Task #703 (Rejected): Dependency on other vocabularies
A vocabulary is dependent on another vocabulary Petr Křemen
10:19 Feature #645 (Closed): Term creation
Petr Křemen
08:33 Feature #702 (Rejected): Restricted pending user rights
As a administrator, I want newly registered users, whose approval is still pending, to have restricted rights in the ... Martin Ledvinka
08:25 Feature #637: User management
Note: Most of the UI and backend can be adapted from RT. Martin Ledvinka
08:24 Feature #635: User profile editing
Note: Most of the UI and backend logic can be adapted from RT. Martin Ledvinka


22:55 Task #701 (Rejected): Extend term types to support UFO Language
Type of a term might be :
- Object, Relator, IntrinsicTrope, Event, ObjectType, RelatorType, IntrinsicTropeType, Eve...
Petr Křemen


14:26 Task #666 (Closed): Top-level term creation
Petr Křemen
00:37 Task #700 (Closed): Reactify faceted search results
Petr Křemen


12:17 Task #699 (Closed): Unify create new vocabulary and create new term buttons
The button for new vocabulary creation has a + icon. In contrast, the button for new term creation has a 'Create new ... Martin Ledvinka
10:41 Feature #698 (Closed): Display a list of term assignments on the term detail screen.
Whenever a term is selected and its detail screen displayed, a list of resources is shown to which the term is assign... Miroslav Blaško
01:30 Task #691 (Closed): Create a test deployment of Termit
Petr Křemen
01:23 Task #683 (Closed): Make Urban Planning Ontology Termit compatible
Petr Křemen
01:21 Feature #682 (Closed): Faceted search for assets
Petr Křemen


20:08 Task #697 (Closed): Do not generate duplicate term occurrence on repeated document text analysis
As a user, I want to be able to rerun text analysis on a specified file. Currently, rerunning text analysis would res... Martin Ledvinka
17:59 Feature #641 (Closed): Vocabulary detail screen
Petr Křemen
17:37 Task #696 (Rejected): Provide rich UI for properties and types visualized in UI
On many screens, properties of ontology assets are presented (vocabulary metadata, term metadata, etc.) in terms of a... Petr Křemen
17:31 Task #695 (Closed): Implement unified URL scheme for assets
Part of the application URL scheme points to asset details, e.g. Vocabulary detail, Term detail - implement each of t... Petr Křemen
17:23 Feature #694 (Closed): Support for unified asset visualization in UI
Each asset (currently namely document, term, user) managed by TermIt should be visualized in a uniform way.
Petr Křemen
17:14 Task #665 (Resolved): Design a testing scenario for IPR
Petr Křemen
17:14 Task #691 (Resolved): Create a test deployment of Termit
> - The deployment will contain data referencing pubby at
The current deployment ...
Petr Křemen
08:46 Task #691: Create a test deployment of Termit
> - the deployment will be running at
Done, running at
Petr Křemen


22:33 Task #693 (Rejected): Create a popis-dat publication pipeline
Acceptance criteria:
- create a pipeline for publishing Popis Dat ontology to the server. The ontol...
Petr Křemen
12:53 Feature #681: Edit annotations in document
I believe there is nothing like "modify description", because annotation does not have description.
I believe that "...
Miroslav Blaško
12:50 Task #691 (Closed): Create a test deployment of Termit
Acceptance criteria:
- the deployment will be running at
- the deployment will conta...
Petr Křemen
12:10 Task #666 (Resolved): Top-level term creation
Jakub Lecbych
12:10 Feature #645 (Resolved): Term creation
Jakub Lecbych
10:38 Bug #688 (Closed): Cannot create a new vocabulary
Petr Křemen
10:30 Feature #682 (Resolved): Faceted search for assets
Currently, only react wrapper over an angular component is created. Thus, angular component is reinitialized on each ... Petr Křemen


23:23 Feature #682 (In Progress): Faceted search for assets
Petr Křemen


15:25 Feature #654 (In Progress): Automatic annotation of document with existing terms
Lama Saeeda
15:22 Feature #681 (In Progress): Edit annotations in document
Miroslav Blaško
15:22 Feature #679 (In Progress): Render annotations in document
Miroslav Blaško
14:47 Task #665 (In Progress): Design a testing scenario for IPR
Petr Křemen
14:28 Task #683 (Resolved): Make Urban Planning Ontology Termit compatible
Implemented as:
- the termit-dev repository now contains all datasets from the VocBench repo for IPR
- the same Tri...
Petr Křemen
14:00 Feature #671 (In Progress): Full-text search field
Martin Ledvinka
09:18 Bug #688 (Resolved): Cannot create a new vocabulary
Martin Ledvinka


15:35 Feature #689 (Rejected): Get Configuration from server to client
Server contains some config to be reused also by client. This task is to create a REST service to get it.
Petr Křemen
15:06 Bug #688 (Closed): Cannot create a new vocabulary
Using latest termit-ui against latest termit server, I get the following log after trying to create a new vocabulary.... Petr Křemen
15:04 Task #685 (Resolved): Generate RDFa out of text analysis output
Petr Křemen
14:51 Feature #677 (In Progress): Render HTML document
Martin Ledvinka
14:48 Task #687 (Resolved): Store text analysis output as file content
Martin Ledvinka
14:34 Task #687 (In Progress): Store text analysis output as file content
Martin Ledvinka
13:45 Task #687 (Closed): Store text analysis output as file content
As a developer, I want to store the text analysis output by replacing the previous file contents, so that it can be p... Martin Ledvinka
13:42 Task #686 (Resolved): Generate new terms based on text analysis suggestions
Martin Ledvinka

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