



From 07.03.2020 to 05.04.2020


13:20 Bug #1061: New Term creation from annotator does not work properly
Tested as well, creating relevant task #1176 . Miroslav Blaško
10:14 Bug #1061 (Closed): New Term creation from annotator does not work properly
Petr Křemen
13:18 Task #1176 (Closed): Unify the way to generate term URI between Modelio and TermIt
Modelio export creates terms with diacritics while TermIt does the same without diacritics. We should unify it becaus... Miroslav Blaško
10:17 Task #1032 (Closed): Allow marking portion of text as definition source in annotator
Petr Křemen
10:04 Task #1033 (Closed): Support navigation to portion of text based on locator in annotator
Works as expected, tested on Petr Křemen
08:30 Task #1038 (Closed): Text analysis of definitions of all terms
Martin Ledvinka


16:42 Task #1038 (Resolved): Text analysis of definitions of all terms
Added. Lama Saeeda


12:42 Task #1174 (Closed): Redesign detail views
Acceptance criteria:
- Detailed views are redesigned according to
Miroslav Blaško
12:39 Feature #1173 (Closed): Redesign vocabularies and resources overviews
Acceptance criteria:
- Overview pages for vocabularies and resources are redesigned according to
Miroslav Blaško
12:35 Task #1172 (Closed): Redesign dashboard and login page
Acceptance criteria:
- Redesign of ui according to
Miroslav Blaško
08:35 Feature #956 (Closed): Find Terms in definition of another Term
Martin Ledvinka
08:32 Task #1035 (Closed): Allow executing text analysis on Term definition
Martin Ledvinka
00:29 Support #985 (Closed): Provide examples of related terms to IPR
Miroslav Blaško
00:29 Task #1072 (Closed): Prepare example visualization of expandable view of ontologically related Terms
Miroslav Blaško
00:22 Bug #1164 (Closed): Loading screen animation is not shown for cached file content
Miroslav Blaško


16:01 Task #1035 (Resolved): Allow executing text analysis on Term definition
Addd. Lama Saeeda
13:11 Task #1032 (Resolved): Allow marking portion of text as definition source in annotator
Update: Unified legend content. Martin Ledvinka
08:52 Bug #1031 (Closed): Termit web page does not load at first attempt
Petr Křemen
08:51 Bug #1075 (Closed): Annotation terms is unable to resolve vocabulary unless it is already in store
Tested on Petr Křemen
08:01 Task #1033 (Resolved): Support navigation to portion of text based on locator in annotator
Martin Ledvinka


14:52 Task #1033: Support navigation to portion of text based on locator in annotator
If you propose to close it why don't you do that? Martin Ledvinka
11:47 Task #1033 (Feedback): Support navigation to portion of text based on locator in annotator
There is an issue that makes "Go to source" action unintuitive. It happens when you navigate (by "Go to source" butto... Miroslav Blaško
14:39 Bug #1164 (Resolved): Loading screen animation is not shown for cached file content
Martin Ledvinka
11:40 Bug #1164 (Closed): Loading screen animation is not shown for cached file content
Empty screen without "loading screen animation" is shown if the user displays file content that was previously opened... Miroslav Blaško
14:14 Task #1032: Allow marking portion of text as definition source in annotator
1. Pending is not meant as in loading, but as in not assigned. It corresponds to the "Confirmed occurrence of a missi... Martin Ledvinka
10:53 Task #1032 (Feedback): Allow marking portion of text as definition source in annotator

* Option for "Plain selection" is good idea !
* Legend should be unified:
> * There is "Loading confirmed annotat...
Miroslav Blaško
13:35 Task #1130 (Closed): Visualize all of definitionally-related terms
Martin Ledvinka
10:45 Task #1130 (Resolved): Visualize all of definitionally-related terms
Lama Saeeda
12:20 Support #986 (Closed): Send set of related subtasks to IPR
Martin Ledvinka
11:05 Feature #637 (Closed): User management
I tried 3 different screens of different sizes and got the same result. However, I found out that my Chrome is zoomed... Lama Saeeda
08:34 Feature #637 (Resolved): User management
I can't reproduce the alignment problem (tried various window sizes, Chrome and firefox, also mobile view in Chrome).... Martin Ledvinka
10:45 Bug #1026 (Closed): Search results preview shows incorrect results
Lama Saeeda
09:48 Bug #1026 (Resolved): Search results preview shows incorrect results
Fixed. Martin Ledvinka
09:55 Feature #958 (Closed): Find ontology related terms
All sub-tasks done and closed, closing the feature. Martin Ledvinka
09:54 Bug #1031 (Resolved): Termit web page does not load at first attempt
Fixed by configuring Apache to add no-cache HTTP header to requests for TermIt static resources. This should cause th... Martin Ledvinka
07:53 Bug #1031 (In Progress): Termit web page does not load at first attempt
Reassigning the issue to myself, as I'm already working on it and have a potential fix which needs to be tested. Martin Ledvinka
08:55 Feature #1021 (Closed): Admin-based user registration
Tested according to A/C Petr Křemen


13:26 Feature #746: Support for overlapping annotations
This feature is also important from the point of view of Annotace. In case there are multiple matches for a phrase in... Martin Ledvinka
10:28 Bug #1125 (Closed): It is not possible to set the parent term directly when creating a new term
Lama Saeeda
10:24 Feature #637 (Feedback): User management
There is a problem with the "unlock button" alignment, see attached screenshot.
One minor thing is that when you u...
Lama Saeeda
10:09 Feature #959 (Closed): Update termit ontology to implement related terms
Martin Ledvinka
10:04 Feature #959 (Resolved): Update termit ontology to implement related terms
commit 5414876c8518d2a583ad48ba543ef9ddc12327c1 Michal Med
10:08 Task #1163 (Closed): Update TermIt ontology to accomodate term definition source model
Martin Ledvinka
10:03 Task #1163 (Resolved): Update TermIt ontology to accomodate term definition source model
commit 5414876c8518d2a583ad48ba543ef9ddc12327c1 Michal Med
09:44 Task #1163 (Closed): Update TermIt ontology to accomodate term definition source model
TermIt ontology needs to be updated with class representing the source of definition of a term and a property linking... Martin Ledvinka
09:34 Bug #1026 (Feedback): Search results preview shows incorrect results
I still can see a mismatch between the results in the preview pop-up and the search page, at least with prioritizatio... Lama Saeeda
08:24 Feature #756 (Rejected): Integration with SSO services
Superseeded by #1156. Martin Ledvinka


18:01 Task #1162 (Closed): Redesign Termit UI
It should be based on design specified here:
Miroslav Blaško
18:01 Task #1036 (Closed): Store and visualize Terms occurring in Term definition
Lama Saeeda
16:10 Bug #1147 (Closed): Fix type names in statistics.
Lama Saeeda
15:22 Bug #969: Switching imported terms causes term tree to loose state
This bug should be most-likely fixed by modifying the intelligent autocomplete tree component. It is manifested in th... Miroslav Blaško
13:45 Task #1038 (Feedback): Text analysis of definitions of all terms
Please add tests (services, REST endpoints). Martin Ledvinka
11:37 Bug #829 (Rejected): creation of new term from lemmatized phrase does not work for multi word phrases
obsolete - a UI exists to handle this manually Petr Křemen
10:54 Task #1037 (Closed): Approve or reject suggested definitional Term occurrences
Martin Ledvinka
10:53 Feature #955 (Closed): Show Terms related via definition and ontological relationships
Martin Ledvinka
10:48 Task #1035 (Feedback): Allow executing text analysis on Term definition
Just a minor thing: I would prefer more tests of the TermService. More specifically, tests that ensure that text anal... Martin Ledvinka
10:41 Bug #1031: Termit web page does not load at first attempt
This SO answer could help to prevent caching of the index.html in client browsers for development deployments: https:... Martin Ledvinka
10:34 Feature #988 (Closed): Upload content for existing file
Martin Ledvinka
10:24 Feature #959 (Feedback): Update termit ontology to implement related terms
I think we can actually remove the upper part - závislý term, závislý ontologický term, závislý definiční term, má zá... Martin Ledvinka
10:19 Task #1059 (Closed): Queries for retrieving ontological relationships between terms
Martin Ledvinka
08:58 Feature #1021 (Resolved): Admin-based user registration
Martin Ledvinka


21:28 Bug #853 (Closed): Type is not shown when editing term
Based on today's discussion the issue will be resolved by #1153. Thus closing the ticket. Miroslav Blaško
21:26 Task #1025 (Rejected): Import core SGoV vocabularies into termit
On todays meeting it was decided that this is use case relevant for KODI not OPPPR. Miroslav Blaško
13:04 Feature #1021 (In Progress): Admin-based user registration
Martin Ledvinka
13:01 Feature #747 (Rejected): Publication of vocabularies as linked data
Superseded by Petr Křemen
10:52 Task #1060 (Closed): Discover ontologically related Terms
Michal Med
10:37 Task #1060 (Resolved): Discover ontologically related Terms
Query updated. Should be ok now. Martin Ledvinka
10:35 Feature #989 (Rejected): Change log
Duplicate of #657. Martin Ledvinka
08:50 Feature #989: Change log
Michal, could you provide more details? Is this related to the change tracking implemented in KODI? If so, it is alre... Martin Ledvinka
10:10 Task #1153 (New): Filter out types in term detail that cannot be changed
"Term detail read-only view" shows types that cannot be edited in "term detail edit view". E.g. Term krajina shows ty... Miroslav Blaško
09:56 Feature #955 (Resolved): Show Terms related via definition and ontological relationships
finished, because UI for ontologically and definitionally related terms is part of another ticket Petr Křemen
09:46 Feature #955 (New): Show Terms related via definition and ontological relationships
Petr Křemen
09:45 Feature #955 (In Progress): Show Terms related via definition and ontological relationships
Petr Křemen
09:44 Task #724 (In Progress): Add support for multiple parents of term
Petr Křemen
09:44 Task #724: Add support for multiple parents of term
Once is finished, filtering to single parent component should be remove... Petr Křemen
08:47 Task #724: Add support for multiple parents of term
Blocked by #1024, moving the deadline according to estimation based on current situation. Miroslav Blaško
09:37 Bug #1031: Termit web page does not load at first attempt
Add a message to index.html to show to the user to refresh the page. Petr Křemen
09:31 Feature #956 (In Progress): Find Terms in definition of another Term
Petr Křemen
09:18 Feature #960 (Resolved): Base Term definition on selected portion of text in File
Martin Ledvinka
09:18 Task #1034: Human-readable Term definition source locator
Removing the task from Milestone 1.3.0 because it is not worth spending resources on it now. Martin Ledvinka
08:51 Feature #742: Support term change tracking
Implemented in KODI, will be closed after merging into the OPPPR code base. Martin Ledvinka
08:42 Feature #1024 (In Progress): Support multiple parents within inteligent tree component
Miroslav Blaško
08:32 Task #968 (Closed): Prepare video demonstrating vocabulary dependency feature
Miroslav Blaško
08:01 Task #915 (New): Create a guide for exporting modelio vocabulary into termIt
Not relevant now. Miroslav Blaško


17:22 Task #1130 (In Progress): Visualize all of definitionally-related terms
Lama Saeeda
16:54 Feature #877 (Closed): Visualization of terms that are not used in resources
Miroslav Blaško
15:54 Bug #1031: Termit web page does not load at first attempt
I think it's confirmed, I just checked. Build #524 produced file @main.32936da8.js@ (see the log at https://kbss.felk... Martin Ledvinka
15:50 Bug #1031: Termit web page does not load at first attempt
FWIW, I think the problem is not on the server side. I did a bit of testing around and I think it is due to browser c... Martin Ledvinka
14:54 Bug #1125 (Resolved): It is not possible to set the parent term directly when creating a new term
Martin Ledvinka
14:41 Bug #1125 (In Progress): It is not possible to set the parent term directly when creating a new term
Martin Ledvinka
13:39 Task #1033 (Resolved): Support navigation to portion of text based on locator in annotator
Martin Ledvinka
13:14 Task #1060 (Feedback): Discover ontologically related Terms Michal Med


09:47 Task #1038: Text analysis of definitions of all terms
Lama was right, text analysis of the definition of a term uses the term's vocabulary. So only terms from this vocabul... Martin Ledvinka
09:32 Task #1150 (Closed): Send lean canvas output to IPR
Go over lean canvas constructed in IPR (possibly organize dedicated kbss meeting), finalize it and send it to IPR. Miroslav Blaško
08:32 Task #1033 (In Progress): Support navigation to portion of text based on locator in annotator
Martin Ledvinka


23:51 Bug #1147 (Resolved): Fix type names in statistics.
Petr Křemen
23:42 Bug #1147 (Closed): Fix type names in statistics.
The statistics view/count view ( shows some types on x-axis as IRIs... Petr Křemen
23:25 Feature #877: Visualization of terms that are not used in resources
I did not check API, but implementation works as expected. Miroslav Blaško
22:11 Feature #877 (Resolved): Visualization of terms that are not used in resources
Petr Křemen


19:46 Task #1038 (Resolved): Text analysis of definitions of all terms
I implemented a button to manually run (async) text analysis on definitions of terms in all vocabularies in a backgro... Lama Saeeda


09:19 Task #1143 (Rejected): Implement scheduled service to run text analysis on definition of all terms
As a follow-up to Task #1038, the scheduled service should be implemented. This service would run in regular interval... Martin Ledvinka


16:49 Task #1032 (Resolved): Allow marking portion of text as definition source in annotator
Martin Ledvinka
12:54 Feature #877 (Feedback): Visualization of terms that are not used in resources
I propose changing the backend URL for getting unused terms to either:
* @/vocabularies/{vocabularyIdFragment}/ter...
Martin Ledvinka


07:05 Feature #877 (Resolved): Visualization of terms that are not used in resources
Reproduced and fixed. Petr Křemen


17:36 Feature #1141 (Rejected): Select vocabularies from which assign terms to resources
In #834 was enabled assignment of term from multiple vocabularies to resources. But terms must be made easy to find i... Michal Med
17:16 Feature #834 (Closed): Support annotating resources by terms from multiple vocabularies
Initial task to assign terms from multiple vocabularies is essentially done. BUT there appeared a need to create a ne... Michal Med
14:01 Feature #834 (Feedback): Support annotating resources by terms from multiple vocabularies
I do not like this solution. Is this really what was wanted? Try add lokalita. Suddenly three of them appears withouu... Michal Med
11:35 Feature #834 (Resolved): Support annotating resources by terms from multiple vocabularies
Petr Křemen
10:19 Feature #834 (In Progress): Support annotating resources by terms from multiple vocabularies
Petr Křemen
13:57 Bug #1131 (Closed): Switching vocabulary type in create vocabulary form deletes content
Nice, works. I suggest to add comment to the add document field to clarify what does it mean (as a part of other issu... Michal Med
12:03 Feature #877 (Feedback): Visualization of terms that are not used in resources
It seems like it does not work if "Import included" flag is enabled.
Miroslav Blaško
11:02 Task #1139 (Rejected): Contact IPR regarding the scenario to enhance their online maps
IPR proposed simple scenario how to use TermIt in their online maps, where online maps would access TermIt services/s... Miroslav Blaško
10:49 Task #1138 (Closed): Send TermIT UI design link to IPR when it is finalized
Send TermIT UI design after it is finalized so IPR can comment on it.
Remind them that there is a way how to point t...
Miroslav Blaško
10:17 Task #1137: Propose visualization of related terms into categories
Idea: How about *replacing list of terms with autocomplete tree component* enhanced with different options to filter ... Miroslav Blaško
10:17 Task #1137 (New): Propose visualization of related terms into categories
Based on feedback from IPR: List of terms within the tab "related terms" is often huge and it is hard to go over it. ... Miroslav Blaško


21:46 Bug #1131 (Resolved): Switching vocabulary type in create vocabulary form deletes content
Updated the CreateVocabulary view - removed the switch from Vocabulary to DocumentVocabulary. Petr Křemen
12:18 Bug #1131 (In Progress): Switching vocabulary type in create vocabulary form deletes content
Petr Křemen
14:50 Task #1038: Text analysis of definitions of all terms
I implemented a button in the vocabulary detail screen where the text analysis can be invoked to analyze all definiti... Lama Saeeda


11:59 Task #721 (Closed): Align the vocabularies in Java model
option 2
Petr Křemen


22:27 Task #693 (Rejected): Create a popis-dat publication pipeline
Obsolete, rejected. A followup ticket will be created. Petr Křemen
19:49 Feature #1024 (Resolved): Support multiple parents within inteligent tree component
See 1024-tree-component-dag branch.
TermTreeSelectHelper adds treePath to support a generic DAG in addition to a t...
Josef Kufner
18:57 Feature #1133 (New): Add textual description of fields to forms
TermIt contains a lot of forms for creating term/vocabulary/document/file. Those terms shall contain a short descript... Michal Med
18:48 Bug #1131 (Closed): Switching vocabulary type in create vocabulary form deletes content
Filled fields in Create Vocabulary form are cleared while Type is changed.
Acceptance criteria:
* keep content of ...
Michal Med
17:53 Feature #663 (Rejected): Different language support for glossary term annotations
Petr Křemen
17:52 Feature #663: Different language support for glossary term annotations
To support creating multi-lingual terminologies, users need to be able to provide translations of textual fields:
- ...
Petr Křemen
11:07 Task #1035 (Resolved): Allow executing text analysis on Term definition
Lama Saeeda
11:07 Task #1130 (Closed): Visualize all of definitionally-related terms
Visualize all terms in def-related of a term, where this term appeared in their definitions. Lama Saeeda
10:46 Task #1038 (In Progress): Text analysis of definitions of all terms
Lama Saeeda
09:46 Feature #877 (Resolved): Visualization of terms that are not used in resources
Petr Křemen
00:20 Feature #877 (In Progress): Visualization of terms that are not used in resources
Petr Křemen

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