



From 28.04.2020 to 27.05.2020


22:15 Bug #1249 (Closed): Annotace - space behind the phrase is part of occurrence
As seen in the picture, spaces behind the phrases that are recognized as occurrences of terms are also highlighted as... Michal Med
14:13 Feature #1236 (Closed): Remove plain suggestion of a proposed occurrence of an unknown term
Michal Med
14:06 Task #1237 (Closed): Escape extra characters selected in annotate content feature
Double click resolved, space considered standard behavior. Michal Med


21:47 Bug #1234: Later edit of definition of a term created by text selection is not possible
This problem affects al editing, not only definition. I tried to add parent term to the term created in annotator and... Michal Med
18:41 Task #1237 (Resolved): Escape extra characters selected in annotate content feature
Petr Křemen
16:29 Task #1237 (Feedback): Escape extra characters selected in annotate content feature
On double click is highlighted word and words before and behind the clicked one.
Also on highlighting a space behind...
Michal Med
16:15 Task #1237 (Resolved): Escape extra characters selected in annotate content feature
Petr Křemen
16:29 Task #1239 (Closed): Add hints to the Term creation form fields
Michal Med
16:18 Feature #741 (Rejected): Discussion service
Souhlasím. Petr Křemen
15:15 Bug #1232: Go to source and definition of term are not related
If you click on the “go t...
Michal Med
15:10 Feature #1244 (Feedback): Choose occurrence from imported vocabulary
I have two issues:
* it is not possible to find out from which vocabulary the term comes from. This may be big probl...
Michal Med
12:59 Feature #1244 (Resolved): Choose occurrence from imported vocabulary
Petr Křemen
11:20 Bug #1248 (Resolved): Disappearing spaces in annotator
Lama Saeeda


20:27 Bug #1215 (Closed): Generation of identifier is confusing for terms
works correctly. Miroslav Blaško
08:52 Feature #741 (Feedback): Discussion service
Should we close this one since we have the Facebook comments integration? Proper term workflow would IMHO be yet anot... Martin Ledvinka
08:38 Feature #742 (Closed): Support term change tracking
Implemented as part of KODI, merged into OPPPR in 1.3.0. Martin Ledvinka


12:13 Bug #1248 (In Progress): Disappearing spaces in annotator
Lama Saeeda


13:57 Bug #1232 (Feedback): Go to source and definition of term are not related
Could you provide examples of such problematic terms, please? Martin Ledvinka
09:21 Bug #1227 (Feedback): Whole page scrolls up while scrolling dropdown menu in popup window
we reproduced it on call, it is not rejected Michal Med


15:10 Bug #1240 (Closed): Annotation removal does not replace it with plain text
Michal Med
14:56 Bug #1248 (Closed): Disappearing spaces in annotator
There is an issue with disappearing spaces. It is probably caused by analysis or its repeated run, or by rejecting pr... Michal Med
14:38 Feature #1247 (Closed): Simplify adding of new term occurrences
Current state:
* after highlighting a part of a text and selecting "mark term occurrence", highlighted text is mark...
Michal Med
14:25 Task #1246 (Closed): Rethink the appearance of "select type" drop down in create term menu
The select type menu in create term form in annotator popup is very unfriendly.
Acceptance cr...
Michal Med
14:08 Bug #1245 (Closed): Cancelling create term form leaves approved occurrence of unknown term
After highlighting a part of text, selecting create a term and then canceling the whole process leaves the highlighte... Michal Med
14:05 Feature #1244 (Closed): Choose occurrence from imported vocabulary
It shall possible to choose occurrence of a term from imported vocabulary.
Maybe in very advanced regime it shall b...
Michal Med
14:03 Task #1237: Escape extra characters selected in annotate content feature
This shall be done by selecting the whole word/set of words, e.g. in a sentence "Localities are divided into buildabl... Michal Med
13:55 Feature #1243 (New): Annotator feature regimes
It is really confusing to have all the popup windows coming out in annotator feature while trying to create and edit ... Michal Med
11:18 Bug #1242 (Closed): Reanalysis in annotace does not propose occurrences of terms already proposed as unknown
After the initialize analysis of a document are proposed occurrences of unknown terms. After the acceptance of a few ... Michal Med
10:47 Bug #1241 (Rejected): Annotator - after selecting text and choosing action nothing happens
here are a significant amount of cases in which it is not possible to do anything with the selected text. I have expe... Michal Med
08:06 Task #724: Add support for multiple parents of term
This is not realistic in this milestone as it depends on Josef Kufner task which will not be finished before. Moving ... Miroslav Blaško


14:24 Bug #1227 (Rejected): Whole page scrolls up while scrolling dropdown menu in popup window
I cannot reproduce it on any combination of
termit-dev, termit-stage
chrome, firefox
MPP 3.4, MPP 3.5 document
Petr Křemen
14:02 Task #1239 (Resolved): Add hints to the Term creation form fields
Petr Křemen
11:10 Task #1239 (Feedback): Add hints to the Term creation form fields
Michal Med
11:10 Task #1239: Add hints to the Term creation form fields
V češtině OK, ale koukám, že se tam navíc objevil Identifikátor.Tam bych text změnil na:
Identifikátor pojmu ve form...
Michal Med
08:49 Bug #1240 (Resolved): Annotation removal does not replace it with plain text
Martin Ledvinka


14:07 Task #1239 (Resolved): Add hints to the Term creation form fields
Petr Křemen
13:47 Task #1239: Add hints to the Term creation form fields
Název: (Povinné) označení, které daný pojem/význam jednoznačně v rámci slovníku identifikuje. Jako názvy pojmů se ne... Petr Křemen
12:49 Task #1239: Add hints to the Term creation form fields
ještě mě napadlo pár věcí:
> Název: (Povinné) označení, které daný pojem/význam jednoznačně v rámci slovníku identi...
Michal Med
12:15 Task #1239: Add hints to the Term creation form fields
Název: (Povinné) označení, které daný pojem/význam jednoznačně v rámci slovníku identifikuje. Jako názvy pojmů se ne... Petr Křemen
12:10 Task #1239: Add hints to the Term creation form fields
V popisu názvu bych doopravdy uvedl, že zkratky NESMÍ být používány (místo neměly by).
Nejsem si jistý tím příklad...
Michal Med
11:11 Task #1239: Add hints to the Term creation form fields
Název: (Povinné) označení, které daný pojem/význam jednoznačně v rámci slovníku identifikuje. Jako názvy pojmů by ně... Petr Křemen
09:55 Task #1239 (Feedback): Add hints to the Term creation form fields
I'm commenting Czech text so I do it in Czech (sorry, Lama).
> Název
> (Povinné) označení, které daný pojem/význ...
Michal Med
10:51 Bug #1240 (Closed): Annotation removal does not replace it with plain text
If an annotation contains only plain text, its removal should replace it with this textual content. The current imple... Martin Ledvinka


14:25 Bug #1230 (Closed): Creating a definition by selection in create term form in annotate content feature leaves popup open
Michal Med
13:52 Task #1239 (Resolved): Add hints to the Term creation form fields
Petr Křemen
08:56 Task #1239 (In Progress): Add hints to the Term creation form fields
Petr Křemen
09:27 Task #1185 (In Progress): Create referential glossaries for IPR
Petr Křemen


08:34 Task #1239 (Closed): Add hints to the Term creation form fields
Currently, there is no guidance for users when creating new terms. E.g. it is not clear what 'název' means and what i... Petr Křemen
08:20 Feature #1223 (Closed): Add analyze button to annotate content feature
Michal Med


14:35 Bug #1215 (Resolved): Generation of identifier is confusing for terms
Martin Ledvinka
09:54 Bug #1177 (Closed): Bad identifier in Create resource dialog leads to inconsistent state
From my suggestions, I see that you implemented not copying "?" to the URI. Closing the ticket. Miroslav Blaško
08:47 Feature #1238 (New): Support for already used additional properties
* I would like to support some workflows where participants working on a vocabulary agrees on some prope...
Miroslav Blaško


23:06 Feature #1223 (Resolved): Add analyze button to annotate content feature
Petr Křemen
12:22 Bug #1220 (Closed): Multiple pop-ups in Annotator shows up
I was not able to reproduce this again, so I take it as closed. Michal Med
12:21 Bug #1226 (Closed): Random popups show while holding cursor over occurrence
I was not able to reproduce the problem anymore, even in the new vocabulary, so I take this as solved. Michal Med


18:37 Bug #1230 (Resolved): Creating a definition by selection in create term form in annotate content feature leaves popup open
Martin Ledvinka
15:33 Bug #1230 (In Progress): Creating a definition by selection in create term form in annotate content feature leaves popup open
Martin Ledvinka
17:02 Bug #1220 (Resolved): Multiple pop-ups in Annotator shows up
Lama Saeeda
16:53 Bug #1226 (Resolved): Random popups show while holding cursor over occurrence
Fixed by generating unique IDs for the nodes. This issue should not happen when analyzing new documents. Lama Saeeda
10:15 Bug #1226: Random popups show while holding cursor over occurrence
It is not connected to the #1218 Michal Med
14:45 Feature #1236 (Resolved): Remove plain suggestion of a proposed occurrence of an unknown term
Martin Ledvinka
13:51 Feature #1236 (In Progress): Remove plain suggestion of a proposed occurrence of an unknown term
Martin Ledvinka
11:12 Feature #1235 (Closed): Definition by text selection is not very well visible
Michal Med
10:57 Feature #1235 (Resolved): Definition by text selection is not very well visible
Petr Křemen
10:06 Feature #1235 (Feedback): Definition by text selection is not very well visible
I suggest to put it next to the Definition label as Martin proposed (same as "include imported" in the advanced optio... Michal Med
10:43 Feature #1223 (Feedback): Add analyze button to annotate content feature
I found a problem - after reanalysis it is neccessary to reload the page to see the results.
I also suggest to pres...
Michal Med
10:05 Feature #1223 (Closed): Add analyze button to annotate content feature
OK. I'm closing it for now and we must take this into account during the redesign of the UI. Michal Med
10:12 Bug #1218 (Closed): Multiple occurrences after new analysis
Works well. Michal Med


23:59 Feature #1235 (Resolved): Definition by text selection is not very well visible
Petr Křemen
23:54 Feature #1235 (In Progress): Definition by text selection is not very well visible
Petr Křemen
22:39 Feature #1219 (Closed): Support multiple parents assignment
it takes some time (few secs), but it works Michal Med
22:37 Task #1224 (Closed): Replace "plain text" with "close" in annotate content feature
Michal Med
14:21 Task #1224 (Resolved): Replace "plain text" with "close" in annotate content feature
Martin Ledvinka
14:12 Task #1224 (In Progress): Replace "plain text" with "close" in annotate content feature
Petr Křemen
22:37 Feature #1223: Add analyze button to annotate content feature
> * I d not understand what you mean by context action,
I mean actions which change based on the page/context. E.g...
Petr Křemen
22:28 Feature #1223: Add analyze button to annotate content feature
to the ideas:
* I d not understand what you mean by context action,
* I think that the problem here is that it take...
Michal Med
17:46 Feature #1223 (Resolved): Add analyze button to annotate content feature
Included the button to the top of the annotator.
Several ideas:
- we might have something like "context action" (...
Petr Křemen
15:07 Feature #1223 (In Progress): Add analyze button to annotate content feature
Petr Křemen
22:36 Bug #1227 (In Progress): Whole page scrolls up while scrolling dropdown menu in popup window
I can reproduce it on the first document I've tried. I can show you tomorrow in standup. Michal Med
14:36 Bug #1227 (Rejected): Whole page scrolls up while scrolling dropdown menu in popup window
Cannot reproduce on MPP 3.5 doc @ termit-dev. Could you specify which doc/where are you looking at? Petr Křemen
22:35 Bug #1228: Selecting term definition must be done from beginning to the end
OK, now I can too. Rejected Michal Med
22:12 Bug #1228 (Rejected): Selecting term definition must be done from beginning to the end
Tried on termit-stage, mpp 3.5 - cannot reproduce - I can select a definition from both sides. Petr Křemen
22:21 Task #1176: Unify the way to generate term URI between Modelio and TermIt
Seems to me that TermIt handles generation of identifiers the same for terms, vocabularies and resources. Petr Křemen


18:19 Feature #1219 (Resolved): Support multiple parents assignment
Martin Ledvinka
18:05 Bug #1226 (In Progress): Random popups show while holding cursor over occurrence
Could be a conflict between the nodes' IDs created by Annotace, caused by the multiple analysis. Will investigate mor... Lama Saeeda
11:13 Bug #1226 (Closed): Random popups show while holding cursor over occurrence
The case is shown in the picture.
Notice that the “terms occurrence” window pointing to the gre...
Michal Med
18:00 Bug #1218 (Resolved): Multiple occurrences after new analysis
Lama Saeeda
11:55 Task #1237 (Closed): Escape extra characters selected in annotate content feature
Occurrences and terms may be created by selecting a text in annotate content feature. But some characters may be sele... Michal Med
11:47 Feature #1236 (Closed): Remove plain suggestion of a proposed occurrence of an unknown term
For the unknown term, it make no sense to only confirm occurrence without assigning the term.
Acceptance criteria:
Michal Med
11:44 Feature #1235 (Closed): Definition by text selection is not very well visible
Acceptance criteria:
* i suggest to move the button Select definition next to the definition
Michal Med
11:41 Bug #1234 (Closed): Later edit of definition of a term created by text selection is not possible
How to reproduce the problem:
* view content ofa file for the Document for test of multiple occurrences in MPP,
* h...
Michal Med
11:32 Bug #1233 (Closed): Assign terms to the documents dropdown menu is empty
User must start to write a text in order to make terms appear.
Acceptance criteria:
* show terms from vocabulary re...
Michal Med
11:30 Bug #1232 (Closed): Go to source and definition of term are not related
Terms have definition and source. Although definition was created in annotate content window by selecting a text, som... Michal Med
11:27 Task #1231 (New): Support annotation of documents with terms that are not in RDF-A
Currently, only suggested occurrences by the annotator in RDF-A are visible as confirmed occurring terms. It shall be... Michal Med
11:21 Feature #1229: Support autocomplete for values of additional properties
We could also use specific owl:Class like TermOfMPPVocabulary to filter list of terms specific to MPP vocabulary and ... Miroslav Blaško
11:18 Feature #1229 (New): Support autocomplete for values of additional properties
I would like to support some workflows using specific additional properties like:
- $term1 :reviewed-by...
Miroslav Blaško
11:20 Bug #1230 (Closed): Creating a definition by selection in create term form in annotate content feature leaves popup open
* do not open popup with definition right after its creation.
Michal Med
11:18 Bug #1228 (Rejected): Selecting term definition must be done from beginning to the end
While setting the definition of a new term by selecting a text in a create term form, it must be selected from the be... Michal Med
11:16 Bug #1227 (Rejected): Whole page scrolls up while scrolling dropdown menu in popup window
When creating a new term from the form, drop down menu for Type shows up. While scrolling down that menu, the whole p... Michal Med
11:08 Feature #1225 (New): Support term editing in Annotator
It is not possible to edit terms in Annotator content feature without leaving it.
Proposed acceptance criteria:
* c...
Michal Med
11:03 Task #1224 (Closed): Replace "plain text" with "close" in annotate content feature
While highlighting a text in Annotate content feature, popup with few options appears.
Acceptance criteria:
* remov...
Michal Med
10:59 Feature #1223 (Closed): Add analyze button to annotate content feature
Add "Analyze" button to the annotate content feature. It is useful for finding occurrences of terms that were newly c... Michal Med
10:55 Feature #746: Support for overlapping annotations
This issue also prevents highlighting of the text in order to create new term or set a definition. This makes it a li... Michal Med
09:12 Feature #1222 (Closed): Support delete action for assets in simple cases
It is very wird to tell enduser that feature like deleting asset is missing in Termit UI. If user enters...
Miroslav Blaško
08:25 Bug #913 (Closed): It is not possible to edit annotations of links
Michal Med


23:57 Bug #913 (Resolved): It is not possible to edit annotations of links
Petr Křemen
07:37 Bug #913 (In Progress): It is not possible to edit annotations of links
Can reproduce on external anchors.
Cannot reproduce on some internal ones - e.g. [1] in
Petr Křemen


17:18 Task #1176: Unify the way to generate term URI between Modelio and TermIt
Yes you are right it was supposed to be Miroslav Blaško


22:57 Task #1176: Unify the way to generate term URI between Modelio and TermIt
The example speaks about "otevřená-krajina", but shows a Modelio link
Petr Křemen
13:40 Bug #1210 (Closed): Term change history contains empty changes of property rdf:type
Petr Křemen
13:35 Bug #1210 (Resolved): Term change history contains empty changes of property rdf:type
Fixed, please verify.
Note that I deleted the invalid records from the TermIt DEV GraphDB repository.
Martin Ledvinka
12:33 Feature #1219: Support multiple parents assignment
It works almost well. As expected, two parents are not visible in tree component.
Both parents are visible in term ...
Michal Med


08:30 Feature #1219 (In Progress): Support multiple parents assignment
Martin Ledvinka
08:18 Bug #1177 (Resolved): Bad identifier in Create resource dialog leads to inconsistent state
Fixed. Martin Ledvinka


15:54 Bug #1220: Multiple pop-ups in Annotator shows up
Problem is that all pop-ups react at the same time. Michal Med
15:52 Bug #1220 (Closed): Multiple pop-ups in Annotator shows up
This bug may be quite hard to reproduce. Go to the file content of the document Dokument MPP in termit-stage. Find a ... Michal Med
13:37 Bug #1218 (In Progress): Multiple occurrences after new analysis
Lama Saeeda
12:33 Bug #1218 (Closed): Multiple occurrences after new analysis
While file is analyzed more times, the same occurrences appear again on the same locators, causing multiple occurrenc... Michal Med
12:46 Bug #913: It is not possible to edit annotations of links
It appears crucial in some scenarios:
* annotator highlights term occurrence, but user is not able to do anything wi...
Michal Med
12:42 Feature #1219 (Closed): Support multiple parents assignment
In many cases, term has more parents. Typical scenario is pointing from document vocabulary to a higher level legisla... Michal Med

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