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On Friday 2nd June, the regular Open Mic session gave way to presentations of theses of students affiliated with KBSS.

The abstract

Instead of a regular Open Mic presentation, this session allowed students whose theses are supervised by members of KBSS to rehearse their thesis defense presentation and get valuable feedback before the “real” defenses that take place mid-June.

Each of the 13 students gave a short talk (5-10 minutes) about their bachelor/master thesis, got feedback on the presentation, and had a chance to compare their presentation with their peers.

The topics included:

  • extensions of software libraries developed at KBSS (JOPA, SPipes, SForms)
  • Tools related to terminology management and TermIt (publication of domain terminologies, public space design feedback gathering)
  • Applications for team collaboration (Mindmaps, team management)

The students also utilized a variety of technologies, including:

  • Java, Spring, Spring Boot, Jakarta EE, Keycloak
  • JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Next.js, Web Components
  • WebSockets, OpenAPI
  • Playwright, Locust, Cypress
  • GeoJSON

Note: This was a closed session, and it was not recorded.