



From 20.05.2020 to 18.06.2020


23:26 Feature #1266: Change Source term box to textbox
I can see something different:
Petr Křemen
17:56 Bug #1290 (Resolved): Do not display Show content button for unsupported file
Petr Křemen
14:03 Bug #1290 (In Progress): Do not display Show content button for unsupported file
Petr Křemen
15:40 Task #1283 (In Progress): Optimize term occurrence update when processing text analysis results
Martin Ledvinka
15:38 Feature #1259 (Resolved): Distinguish filtering box for filtering vocabs and terms
Martin Ledvinka
13:24 Feature #1259 (In Progress): Distinguish filtering box for filtering vocabs and terms
Martin Ledvinka
14:55 Bug #1276 (Resolved): Filtering terms in parent term drop down clears itself
Petr Křemen
14:02 Bug #1276: Filtering terms in parent term drop down clears itself
This commit should fix it
Petr Křemen
09:03 Bug #1276 (In Progress): Filtering terms in parent term drop down clears itself
Petr Křemen
09:44 Bug #1213 (Closed): Add source of definition button is enabled if related field is empty
Miroslav Blaško
00:16 Bug #1289 (Resolved): Term type shall be better described, also with more examples
Petr Křemen


17:27 Task #1295 (Closed): Allow annotating inline elements with term occurrences
Currently, TermIt annotator allows only plain text to be annotated as term occurrence. In contrast, term definition a... Martin Ledvinka
15:20 Feature #1266: Change Source term box to textbox
This is error in transformation from modelio. In modelio, it is like in the picture:
But tr...
Michal Med


18:08 Feature #1244 (Closed): Choose occurrence from imported vocabulary
Michal Med
18:06 Task #1291 (Closed): Improve visualization of Unused terms
Michal Med
17:39 Feature #1173 (Closed): Redesign vocabularies and resources overviews
Petr Křemen
17:39 Task #1174 (Closed): Redesign detail views
done Petr Křemen
17:37 Bug #1233: Assign terms to the documents dropdown menu is empty
To be hotfixed by changing the placeholder to "Pro vyhledávání začněte psát" Petr Křemen
17:01 Task #1252 (Closed): Prepare an advanced testing scenario for IPR
Petr Křemen


18:53 Task #1291 (Resolved): Improve visualization of Unused terms
Petr Křemen
18:30 Task #1291 (In Progress): Improve visualization of Unused terms
Petr Křemen
18:46 Bug #1278 (Closed): Analysis of other vocabularies fails
I'm closing this issue for now. Once the term occurrence update after repeated text analysis is optimized, we can try... Martin Ledvinka
17:37 Feature #1244: Choose occurrence from imported vocabulary
Michal, seems to me that works as expected - tried on your example and also created a fresh one - worked in both case... Petr Křemen
17:28 Task #1162: Redesign Termit UI
One more thing: there should be not only github but also google account connector. It would be great to add correct l... Miroslav Blaško
16:21 Task #1162: Redesign Termit UI
Moreover, tasks within assets to display tables within autocomplete-tree-component will not be done.
Miroslav Blaško
16:19 Task #1162: Redesign Termit UI
To finish the task we agreed to go over following:
- github login button
- uprava sidebaru (padding)
- admin sekce...
Miroslav Blaško


22:01 Task #1172 (Closed): Redesign dashboard and login page
Miroslav Blaško


15:05 Task #1250 (Closed): Revise existing testing scenario for IPR
lgtm Petr Křemen
14:42 Feature #1266: Change Source term box to textbox
I think that we shall maybe use this as it is, just describe more precisely that this is human readable way to source... Michal Med
14:39 Bug #1267 (Rejected): Annotation of file with terms show too many terms
I am not able to reproduce the problem. Michal Med
14:35 Bug #1232 (Closed): Go to source and definition of term are not related
Michal Med
14:34 Bug #1232: Go to source and definition of term are not related
No, this is not part of this ticket, that will be a part of a new ticket - 1282.
The errors are from the Facebook ...
Martin Ledvinka
14:32 Bug #1232 (Feedback): Go to source and definition of term are not related
I'm not sure which part was resolved. If I create a new term with definition and then create a definition in annotato... Michal Med
14:31 Bug #1271 (Closed): Proposed occurrence of unknown term after assigning term changes to proposed occurrence of known term
Petr Křemen
14:31 Bug #1271: Proposed occurrence of unknown term after assigning term changes to proposed occurrence of known term
Cannot reproduce the HTTP 409 error. Petr Křemen
13:57 Bug #1271 (Feedback): Proposed occurrence of unknown term after assigning term changes to proposed occurrence of known term
it works, but I got a red error in the upper right corner:
Please check if it is related and/or prevent...
Michal Med
14:02 Task #1252: Prepare an advanced testing scenario for IPR
Issues blocking the testing on the TermIt side were fixed. It is possible to move the testing scenario to the actual ... Michal Med
14:00 Feature #1260 (Closed): Redesign of search result row
very very nice Michal Med
01:25 Feature #1260 (Resolved): Redesign of search result row
Petr Křemen
13:59 Bug #1270 (Closed): It is neccessary to refresh page to see changes in change term of occurrence
Michal Med
13:47 Bug #1279 (Closed): Term from imported vocabulary is signed as missing
Michal Med


15:35 Feature #1260 (In Progress): Redesign of search result row
Petr Křemen
14:19 Feature #1260: Redesign of search result row
Design of the new look is in the picture. The whole line beginning with Pojem and ending with arrow out of box icon i... Michal Med
11:35 Bug #1278 (Feedback): Analysis of other vocabularies fails
I tried it on termit-dev "Soubor pro Slovník Metropolitního plánu ve verzi 3.5 návrh k projednání - slovník" file. In... Michal Med
09:16 Feature #1284 (Rejected): Search results - highligh important things
Petr Křemen
09:16 Feature #1284: Search results - highligh important things
duplicate of #1260 Petr Křemen


09:51 Bug #1278 (Resolved): Analysis of other vocabularies fails
Lama Saeeda


15:37 Bug #1278: Analysis of other vocabularies fails
it does not work on the artifacts that are in TermIt for a long time (e.g. original MPP 3.5 voc), but after creating ... Michal Med
13:01 Bug #1278: Analysis of other vocabularies fails
* In general, it is possible to analyze a document in a specific vocabulary using another vocabulary without any prob... Lama Saeeda
09:41 Bug #1278 (In Progress): Analysis of other vocabularies fails
Petr Křemen
12:26 Task #1293 (New): Deal with selection starting in one element and ending in another
As a user, I need to be able to select term definition which often spans a whole paragraph. Currently, the problem is... Martin Ledvinka
12:24 Task #1292 (New): Support annotations within other annotations
As a user, I want to be able to create annotations which are inside other annotations. This is currently difficult be... Martin Ledvinka
10:40 Bug #1186 (Rejected): IRIs are mismatched for popis-dat ontology
cannot reproduce Petr Křemen
10:12 Task #1291 (Closed): Improve visualization of Unused terms
- add icon + tooltip to explain that the term is unused Petr Křemen
09:54 Bug #1290 (Closed): Do not display Show content button for unsupported file
- Show content button is shown only for 'html', 'txt' (maybe XML if the parser renders XML "reasonably")
- Sho...
Petr Křemen
09:50 Feature #1264: After deleting a file redirect back to vocabulary
Let's consider when redesigning Document x File Petr Křemen
09:46 Bug #1273 (Rejected): IntelligentTreeSelect does not show imported terms
cannot reproduce Petr Křemen
09:02 Bug #1289 (Closed): Term type shall be better described, also with more examples
In create term form, term type shall be better described, also with more examples. Michal Med
09:02 Feature #1288 (Closed): Improve layout of asset editing forms
Even on the FHD screen, create term form does not fit to one screen.
* -make input page width to the ...
Michal Med
08:57 Feature #1287 (Closed): Allow attaching document to the vocabulary after creation
It may be possible that some users create independent document and later decide to attache it to the specific vocabul... Michal Med
08:53 Support #1286 (New): Switch between tree and list
For browsing glossary may be useful to switch between tree and list of terms. Michal Med
08:51 Feature #1285 (Rejected): Expand parent concepts while filtering in tree component
While filtering terms, parent concepts are not expanded and filtered term may be hidden inside. In those cases, top c... Michal Med
08:45 Feature #1284 (Rejected): Search results - highligh important things
Term name and its vocabulary shall be made main content of the result, description and definition are not so importan... Michal Med
08:26 Bug #1241 (Rejected): Annotator - after selecting text and choosing action nothing happens
No longer able to reproduce. Possibly has been resolved by the fixes of dangling annotation span after annotation rem... Martin Ledvinka


15:37 Bug #1241 (In Progress): Annotator - after selecting text and choosing action nothing happens
Martin Ledvinka
15:27 Bug #1267 (Feedback): Annotation of file with terms show too many terms
Unable to reproduce. Please, try to reproduce it and if you are able to, reassign it to me. Thanks. Martin Ledvinka
14:46 Task #1283 (Closed): Optimize term occurrence update when processing text analysis results
When TermIt processes the results of text analysis on a file for which text analysis had been previously run, it need... Martin Ledvinka
14:42 Task #1282 (Rejected): Set term definition content on definition source selection in Annotator
As a user, I want TermIt to set the content (text) of the definition of the Term I selected when marking term definit... Martin Ledvinka
14:24 Bug #1270 (Resolved): It is neccessary to refresh page to see changes in change term of occurrence
Martin Ledvinka
13:55 Bug #1270 (In Progress): It is neccessary to refresh page to see changes in change term of occurrence
Martin Ledvinka
13:28 Bug #1279 (Resolved): Term from imported vocabulary is signed as missing
Martin Ledvinka
10:28 Bug #1279 (In Progress): Term from imported vocabulary is signed as missing
Martin Ledvinka
10:09 Bug #1232 (Resolved): Go to source and definition of term are not related
Martin Ledvinka


23:45 Bug #1271 (Resolved): Proposed occurrence of unknown term after assigning term changes to proposed occurrence of known term
Petr Křemen
23:36 Bug #1271: Proposed occurrence of unknown term after assigning term changes to proposed occurrence of known term
reproduced Petr Křemen


20:46 Bug #1271 (New): Proposed occurrence of unknown term after assigning term changes to proposed occurrence of known term
EDIT: it happens only if you create a new term in popup from proposed occurrence of an unknown term Michal Med
16:07 Bug #1271 (Rejected): Proposed occurrence of unknown term after assigning term changes to proposed occurrence of known term
cannot reproduce on termit-dev Petr Křemen
20:43 Bug #1277 (Closed): Click on suggested unknown term shall open drop down menu with list of terms
Michal Med
16:03 Bug #1277 (Resolved): Click on suggested unknown term shall open drop down menu with list of terms
Petr Křemen
10:25 Bug #1277 (Closed): Click on suggested unknown term shall open drop down menu with list of terms
And it does not. This is something I thought that was already done on monday. This is how it looks like:
Michal Med
20:36 Bug #1281 (Closed): Vocabularies within statistics are not possible to read
The vocabulary name is not readable as it can be seen in the provided picture. Might be related to a small number of ... Miroslav Blaško
14:35 Task #1252 (Resolved): Prepare an advanced testing scenario for IPR
the thing is that annotating file with terms from imported vocabulary does not...
Michal Med
13:32 Bug #1280 (Closed): It is possible to annotate content of popup windows
Popup windows content may be highlighted and selected as definition or occurence, althought nothing happens then.
I ...
Michal Med
13:28 Bug #1279 (Closed): Term from imported vocabulary is signed as missing
Open annotator for MPP file (MPP vocabulary must have imported PSP) and select word "stavba". Add occurrence and pick... Michal Med
11:07 Bug #1278 (Closed): Analysis of other vocabularies fails
I have created new vocabulary, attached a file (mpp-3.5 HTML) to it and imported "Slovník Pražských stavebních přepis... Michal Med


18:37 Bug #1276 (Closed): Filtering terms in parent term drop down clears itself
While filtering terms in selecting a parent term, it happens that after few seconds the field is cleared. This preven... Michal Med
14:04 Task #1252 (In Progress): Prepare an advanced testing scenario for IPR
Michal Med
13:01 Task #1272 (Closed): Edit Search tab options
Michal Med


23:24 Task #1272 (Resolved): Edit Search tab options
Fully implemented. Petr Křemen
18:37 Task #1272 (Closed): Edit Search tab options
Button "Search" in the left side panel works like searching blank text in the upper search bar. It is not intuitive, ... Michal Med
22:33 Bug #1273 (Rejected): IntelligentTreeSelect does not show imported terms
In termit-dev, for MPP 3.5 vocabulary, there are two other imported vocabularies. One of them (PSP 2016) contains the... Petr Křemen
08:03 Feature #1244: Choose occurrence from imported vocabulary
Reassigning to Petr, who primarily worked on the issue. Martin Ledvinka


22:59 Bug #1234 (Closed): Later edit of definition of a term created by text selection is not possible
yess, finally. Thanks Michal Med
22:55 Feature #1244 (Feedback): Choose occurrence from imported vocabulary
I was playing with it for a while on termit-dev MPP 3.5 vocabulary, that imports PSP and in the beginning it worked, ... Michal Med
22:21 Bug #1245 (Closed): Cancelling create term form leaves approved occurrence of unknown term
works even for creating new term from create occurrence menu, which is probably good Michal Med
19:23 Bug #1232 (In Progress): Go to source and definition of term are not related
Martin Ledvinka
14:50 Bug #1232 (Resolved): Go to source and definition of term are not related
Martin Ledvinka
16:51 Feature #1247 (Closed): Simplify adding of new term occurrences
the idea is that you annotate text by the terms from vocabulary and first you need to check if that term already exis... Michal Med
15:34 Feature #1247 (Resolved): Simplify adding of new term occurrences
Ok, nevermind. I see that Peter has already removed the "Create term" button. Martin Ledvinka
16:46 Bug #1271 (Closed): Proposed occurrence of unknown term after assigning term changes to proposed occurrence of known term
* it shall change to confirmed occurrence of known term
Michal Med
16:45 Bug #1242 (Closed): Reanalysis in annotace does not propose occurrences of terms already proposed as unknown
thanks Michal Med
14:43 Bug #1213: Add source of definition button is enabled if related field is empty
i think that this problem is not a problem, because this whole field does not make sense and will be deleted or changed Michal Med
14:40 Bug #1253 (Closed): Annotator - second click on definition makes close button disappear
on second click is popup closed Michal Med
11:58 Bug #1253 (Resolved): Annotator - second click on definition makes close button disappear
Martin Ledvinka
14:37 Bug #1263 (Closed): File metadata are not editable
Michal Med
00:11 Bug #1263 (Resolved): File metadata are not editable
Petr Křemen
00:08 Bug #1263 (In Progress): File metadata are not editable
Petr Křemen
12:28 Feature #1266 (Feedback): Change Source term box to textbox
What to do with legacy data? Namely termit-stage - there are 120 concepts with multiple sources
Petr Křemen
11:45 Feature #1266 (In Progress): Change Source term box to textbox
Petr Křemen
10:09 Task #1250 (Resolved): Revise existing testing scenario for IPR
Michal Med
09:40 Feature #1262: Rethink Vocabulary -> Document -> File
We shall remove creating Document from the create vocabulary form and attach file directly. Michal Med
06:30 Bug #1214 (Closed): List of assets is not updated after asset label changes
Works correctly. Miroslav Blaško
00:38 Bug #1251 (Rejected): Files cannot be uploaded
Seems to have been solved as a byproduct by some other ticket. Cannot reproduce either. Petr Křemen


23:38 Task #1258 (Closed): Reorganize main menu actions
done with MM Petr Křemen
16:14 Task #1258 (Closed): Reorganize main menu actions
Having Main navigation below "create actions" is counter-intuitive. Also "Main navigation" label seems superfluous.
Petr Křemen
20:00 Bug #1270 (Closed): It is neccessary to refresh page to see changes in change term of occurrence
In annotator, if user changes a term assigned to occurrence, page must be refreshed to see it. Michal Med
19:58 Feature #1269 (New): After creating new occurrence analyze and suggest occured term
If there is created new term occurrence from annotator, user have to pick a term from dropdown menu. In most cases it... Michal Med
19:46 Feature #1268 (Feedback): Differentiate term attributes
Term detail attributes are badly recognizable one from another.
It was partly solved by making defini...
Michal Med
19:41 Bug #1267 (Rejected): Annotation of file with terms show too many terms
After adding term occurrences from TermIt itself (not its annotator) to file, enormous number of terms is shown as as... Michal Med
19:36 Feature #1266 (Closed): Change Source term box to textbox
It is unlogical to insert more sources of a term (it once was).
In that matter it shall be remade...
Michal Med
19:34 Feature #1265 (Closed): Rethink source of definition and source of term relation
Source of term is relict of the past, however still somehow useful.
Suggested A/C:
* source of term and source of d...
Michal Med
19:30 Feature #1264 (Rejected): After deleting a file redirect back to vocabulary
After deleting of a file, user is redirected back to the TermIt main page.
* suggestion of the IPR was to red...
Michal Med
19:27 Bug #1263 (Closed): File metadata are not editable
File metadata may be edited in edit window, but result is not saved.
* find and fix bug
Michal Med
19:25 Feature #1262 (Closed): Rethink Vocabulary -> Document -> File
Creation of vocabulary is now in two steps, where you first create vocabulary and document, then attach file and only... Michal Med
19:22 Feature #1261 (New): Handling other file types than HTML
It shall be possible to show and annotate other file types than HTML, e.g. pdf, word, excel etc. Michal Med
19:21 Feature #1260 (Closed): Redesign of search result row
The goal is to make the search result row more intuitive, e.g. similar to google search results.
The users must know...
Michal Med
19:16 Feature #1259 (Closed): Distinguish filtering box for filtering vocabs and terms
It shall be more clear that box is for filtering.
* place placeholder text "Filter terms...
Michal Med
12:42 Bug #1232 (In Progress): Go to source and definition of term are not related
Martin Ledvinka
09:13 Bug #1232 (New): Go to source and definition of term are not related
Martin Ledvinka
09:17 Feature #1257 (Rejected): Buttons "Vocabularies" and "+Vocabulary" doeas the same thing
I think this has been resolved by the UI redesign. Feel free to reopen and provide more details. Martin Ledvinka
09:13 Bug #1251 (Feedback): Files cannot be uploaded
Martin Ledvinka
08:35 Bug #1251: Files cannot be uploaded
Unable to reproduce. Please provide more details. Martin Ledvinka
09:12 Bug #1016: Last editor and last modified date of a File related to a Vocabulary are stored in the default context
This will be obsolete as soon as we switch to using change tracking. Martin Ledvinka
09:08 Bug #1213 (Resolved): Add source of definition button is enabled if related field is empty
Martin Ledvinka


23:56 Bug #1242 (Resolved): Reanalysis in annotace does not propose occurrences of terms already proposed as unknown
Lama Saeeda
13:55 Feature #1247 (Feedback): Simplify adding of new term occurrences
IMHO, removing the "Create term" button from the selection popup would make the annotator more confusing. If I select... Martin Ledvinka


18:02 Feature #1247 (In Progress): Simplify adding of new term occurrences
Martin Ledvinka
16:33 Bug #1234 (Resolved): Later edit of definition of a term created by text selection is not possible
Martin Ledvinka
14:29 Bug #1234 (In Progress): Later edit of definition of a term created by text selection is not possible
Martin Ledvinka
16:10 Feature #1257: Buttons "Vocabularies" and "+Vocabulary" doeas the same thing
Sorry, I was confused because of the list of vocabularies. I think that it shall not be part of "+Vocabulary" form Michal Med
16:08 Feature #1257 (Rejected): Buttons "Vocabularies" and "+Vocabulary" doeas the same thing
Acceptance critera:
* "+Vocabulary" shall open create vocabulary form, not only list of existing vocabs
Michal Med
13:08 Bug #1214 (Resolved): List of assets is not updated after asset label changes
Martin Ledvinka
12:33 Task #1256 (Closed): Optimize FileDetail operation buttons
make analyze and legend buttons same size, otherwise OK Michal Med
11:35 Task #1256 (Resolved): Optimize FileDetail operation buttons
Petr Křemen
11:11 Task #1256 (Closed): Optimize FileDetail operation buttons
The goal is to make the interaction with File content more logical:
- remove Analyze button from the Resource detail...
Petr Křemen
12:18 Task #1246 (Closed): Rethink the appearance of "select type" drop down in create term menu
good enough Michal Med
12:17 Bug #1255 (Closed): Terms with parent are considered missing terms in annotator
Brilliant, thanks. Michal Med


22:54 Task #1246 (Resolved): Rethink the appearance of "select type" drop down in create term menu
Hotfixed first two bullets for the purpose of testing at IPR. Petr Křemen
08:26 Task #1246 (In Progress): Rethink the appearance of "select type" drop down in create term menu
Petr Křemen
19:11 Bug #1255 (Resolved): Terms with parent are considered missing terms in annotator
Fixed and tested on 'Pokusny dokumentovy slovnik' Petr Křemen
19:04 Bug #1255 (In Progress): Terms with parent are considered missing terms in annotator
Petr Křemen
13:53 Bug #1255 (Closed): Terms with parent are considered missing terms in annotator
Term definition and all occurrences of a term with assigned parent (probably only in the same vocabulary) are highlig... Michal Med
17:20 Bug #1214 (In Progress): List of assets is not updated after asset label changes
Martin Ledvinka
16:32 Feature #1244 (Resolved): Choose occurrence from imported vocabulary
I fixed the IRI encoding issue. Feel free to verify the feature behavior and close it if all is well. Martin Ledvinka
08:32 Feature #1244: Choose occurrence from imported vocabulary
Martin is about to check whether it is connected to the resolution of the Czech accented characters in IRIs. Petr Křemen
08:20 Feature #1244: Choose occurrence from imported vocabulary
I have added the info about the vocabulary to the tooltip (the easiest way now) - as a result - this enhanced tooltip... Petr Křemen
11:44 Bug #1248 (Closed): Disappearing spaces in annotator
it looks cleared Michal Med
11:38 Bug #1253 (Closed): Annotator - second click on definition makes close button disappear
After the first click:
After the second click:
Acceptance criteria:
2nd picture ...
Michal Med
10:12 Bug #1245 (Resolved): Cancelling create term form leaves approved occurrence of unknown term
Martin Ledvinka
09:55 Task #1252 (Closed): Prepare an advanced testing scenario for IPR
Prepare a homework testing scenario for IPR that will guide them through some advanced features of TermIt and checks ... Petr Křemen
09:52 Bug #1251 (Rejected): Files cannot be uploaded
After a file upload action is triggered from UI, it fails and redirects to an empty vocabulary detail view. Upon refr... Petr Křemen
09:33 Task #1250 (Closed): Revise existing testing scenario for IPR
- "slovník Metropolitního zákona ve dvou verzích" - did you mean "Katastrálního zákona"?
TemIt => TermIt
- "slovník...
Petr Křemen


22:15 Bug #1249 (Closed): Annotace - space behind the phrase is part of occurrence
As seen in the picture, spaces behind the phrases that are recognized as occurrences of terms are also highlighted as... Michal Med
14:13 Feature #1236 (Closed): Remove plain suggestion of a proposed occurrence of an unknown term
Michal Med
14:06 Task #1237 (Closed): Escape extra characters selected in annotate content feature
Double click resolved, space considered standard behavior. Michal Med


21:47 Bug #1234: Later edit of definition of a term created by text selection is not possible
This problem affects al editing, not only definition. I tried to add parent term to the term created in annotator and... Michal Med
18:41 Task #1237 (Resolved): Escape extra characters selected in annotate content feature
Petr Křemen
16:29 Task #1237 (Feedback): Escape extra characters selected in annotate content feature
On double click is highlighted word and words before and behind the clicked one.
Also on highlighting a space behind...
Michal Med
16:15 Task #1237 (Resolved): Escape extra characters selected in annotate content feature
Petr Křemen
16:29 Task #1239 (Closed): Add hints to the Term creation form fields
Michal Med
16:18 Feature #741 (Rejected): Discussion service
Souhlasím. Petr Křemen
15:15 Bug #1232: Go to source and definition of term are not related
If you click on the “go t...
Michal Med
15:10 Feature #1244 (Feedback): Choose occurrence from imported vocabulary
I have two issues:
* it is not possible to find out from which vocabulary the term comes from. This may be big probl...
Michal Med
12:59 Feature #1244 (Resolved): Choose occurrence from imported vocabulary
Petr Křemen
11:20 Bug #1248 (Resolved): Disappearing spaces in annotator
Lama Saeeda


20:27 Bug #1215 (Closed): Generation of identifier is confusing for terms
works correctly. Miroslav Blaško
08:52 Feature #741 (Feedback): Discussion service
Should we close this one since we have the Facebook comments integration? Proper term workflow would IMHO be yet anot... Martin Ledvinka
08:38 Feature #742 (Closed): Support term change tracking
Implemented as part of KODI, merged into OPPPR in 1.3.0. Martin Ledvinka


12:13 Bug #1248 (In Progress): Disappearing spaces in annotator
Lama Saeeda


13:57 Bug #1232 (Feedback): Go to source and definition of term are not related
Could you provide examples of such problematic terms, please? Martin Ledvinka
09:21 Bug #1227 (Feedback): Whole page scrolls up while scrolling dropdown menu in popup window
we reproduced it on call, it is not rejected Michal Med

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