Upcoming Open Mic - Widoco and its alternatives
The Open mic session starts on Friday 15th December 2023 at 10:30 at this link. The speaker Michal Med talks about vizualization and documentation tools for RDF data on the internet.
The abstract
The first tool, we already use at the department, is Widoco (WIzard for DOCumenting Ontologies)[1]. It is a tool generating documentation for the given OWL ontology, supporting graphs and definitions via external libraries. As we have encountered some problems, we have discovered some other tools doing more or less the same thing. In the part focused on Widoco, we also mention the problems and possible solutions.
As there is not many alternatives doing the exact same thing, this Open Mic talk focuses also on some tools working with the RDF in some other useful or interesting way.
We will talk about the tools Ontospy [2], Web Protégé [3], WebVowl [4] or Pubby [5].
Further reading: